
1. Introduction

In REBOL, a scheme is a set of definitions and functions that handle the operations of a kind of port. This scheme handles HTTP ports, allowing access to resources served via HTTP. Version 1.1 of the HTTP protocol is supported (although some features are not yet implemented at this point).

2. Overview

The scheme is defined by using the Root-Protocol object and the net-install function from net-utils.


make Root-Protocol [
 Port handler functions

 net-utils/net-install HTTP self 80
 net-utils/net-install HTTPS self 443

Support functions

3. Port handler functions

Port handler functions

open: func [port] [
 The open handler

query: func [port] [
 The query handler

close: func [port] [
 The close handler

read: func [port data /local result desired chunk-size] [
 The read handler

3.1 The open handler

The port/locals object keeps track of data relative to the request and the response.

HTTP request method (as a word);
additional HTTP headers to send;
HTTP request content;
HTTP response line (string!);
parsed response line (one of 'ok, 'redirect, 'see-other, 'unauthorized, 'client-error, 'server-error, 'proxy-auth, 'not-modified, 'use-proxy, 'no-content, 'info or 'version-not-supported);
HTTP response headers (object!).

The method, headers and content can be specified using the /custom refinement (which sets port/state/custom). (Otherwise, a GET request is done by default.)

In the block passed to /custom you can specify the HTTP method (as a word!) for the request (GET by default, or if there is some content the default is POST), any additional headers (as a block!, gets evaluated to an object) and the content for the request (any-string!); the default Content-Type if not specified is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". See parse-custom-data for more details.

The open handler

port/locals: context [
 method: 'GET
 headers: []
 content: none
 response-line: none
 response-parsed: none
 response-headers: none
 chunked?: no
 chunked-buffer: none
parse-custom-data port
open-sub-port port
do-request port
parse-response port
port/size: any [attempt [to integer! port/locals/response-headers/Content-Length] 0]
port/date: attempt [parse-header-date port/locals/response-headers/Last-Modified]
port/status: 'file

3.2 The query handler

The query handler

if not port/locals [
 port/state/custom: [HEAD]
 ; these are the local open and close functions
 open port
 attempt [close port]
reduce [

3.3 The close handler

The close handler

close-sub-port port

3.4 The read handler

This is a low level handler that is called by the REBOL buffer layer (which takes care of converting line terminators, and so on).

The read handler

either port/locals/chunked? [
 Handle chunked transfer encoding
] [
 read-io port/sub-port data port/state/num

3.4.1 Handle chunked transfer encoding

Handle chunked transfer encoding

desired: port/state/num
if port/locals/chunked-buffer [
 desired: min desired length? port/locals/chunked-buffer
 insert/part tail data port/locals/chunked-buffer desired
 remove/part port/locals/chunked-buffer desired
 if empty? port/locals/chunked-buffer [port/locals/chunked-buffer: none]
 return desired
chunk-size: pick port/sub-port 1
parse/all chunk-size [some hexdigit | (net-error [access protocol "Invalid chunked encoding"])]
chunk-size: to integer! to issue! chunk-size
either chunk-size = 0 [
 ; ignore trailer for now
 while ["" <> pick port/sub-port 1] []
] [
 result: read-io port/sub-port data min desired chunk-size
 chunk-size: chunk-size - result
 if chunk-size > 0 [port/locals/chunked-buffer: make binary! chunk-size + 10]
 while [chunk-size > 0] [
  chunk-size: chunk-size - read-io port/sub-port port/locals/chunked-buffer chunk-size

4. Support functions

open-sub-port takes care of opening the TCP (or SSL) connection to the HTTP server.

Support functions

open-sub-port: func [port /local sub-protocol secure?] [
 sub-protocol: either port/scheme = 'https [secure?: yes ['ssl]] [['tcp]]
 port/sub-port: open/lines compose [
  scheme: (sub-protocol)
  host: port/host
  port-id: port/port-id
 port/sub-port/timeout: port/timeout
 if secure? [set-modes port/sub-port [secure: true]]
close-sub-port: func [port] [
 close port/sub-port

The do-request function makes the HTTP request to the server.

Support functions +≡

do-request: func [
 "Perform an HTTP request"
 port [port!]

 /local headers target
] [
 headers: make context [
  Accept: "*/*"
  Accept-Charset: "utf-8"
  Host: either port/port-id <> either port/scheme = 'https [443] [80] [
   rejoin [form port/host #":" port/port-id]
  ] [
   form port/host
  User-Agent: "REBOL"
  Connection: "close"
 ] port/locals/headers
 if port/locals/content [
  headers: make headers [
   Content-Length: form length? port/locals/content
 headers: third headers
 target: copy %/
 if port/path [append target port/path]
 if port/target [append target port/target]
 insert port/sub-port rejoin [
  uppercase form port/locals/method #" "
  ; needs better escaping!!
  next mold target
  " HTTP/1.1"
 foreach [word string] headers [
  insert port/sub-port rejoin [mold word #" " string]
 insert port/sub-port ""
 if port/locals/content [
  write-io port/sub-port port/locals/content length? port/locals/content

The parse-custom-data function parses the block passed to the /custom refinement and extracts the request method, request headers and request content. The values in the port object are set accordingly so that they can be used later on by the do-request function.

Support functions +≡

parse-custom-data: func [port /local method headers content] [
 if block? port/state/custom [
  parse port/state/custom [
   opt [set method word!]
   opt [set headers block!]
   opt [set content any-string!]
  if content [
   unless method [method: 'POST]
   either headers [
    unless find headers [Content-Type:] [
     append headers [Content-Type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"]
   ] [
    headers: [Content-Type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"]
  if method [port/locals/method: method]
  if headers [port/locals/headers: headers]
  if content [port/locals/content: content]

parse-response waits for the server response, and parses it.

Support functions +≡

parse-response: func [port /local line header] [
 port/locals/response-line: pick port/sub-port 1
 parse/all port/locals/response-line [
  "HTTP/1." [#"0" | #"1"] some #" " [
   #"1" (port/locals/response-parsed: 'info)
   #"2" [
    ["04" | "05"] (port/locals/response-parsed: 'no-content)
    (port/locals/response-parsed: 'ok)
   #"3" [
    "03" (port/locals/response-parsed: 'see-other)
    "04" (port/locals/response-parsed: 'not-modified)
    "05" (port/locals/response-parsed: 'use-proxy)
    (port/locals/response-parsed: 'redirect)
   #"4" [
    "01" (port/locals/response-parsed: 'unauthorized)
    "07" (port/locals/response-parsed: 'proxy-auth)
    (port/locals/response-parsed: 'client-error)
   #"5" (port/locals/response-parsed: 'server-error)
  (port/locals/response-parsed: 'version-not-supported)
 port/locals/response-headers: copy []
 while ["" <> line: pick port/sub-port 1] [
  parse/all line [
   ; continuation of previous header line
   some space-char line: (append last port/locals/response-headers line)
   copy header name #":" any space-char copy line to end (
    append port/locals/response-headers reduce [
     to set-word! header line
 port/locals/response-headers: construct/with port/locals/response-headers http-response-headers
 switch port/locals/response-parsed [
  ok [
   if port/locals/response-headers/transfer-encoding = "chunked" [
    port/locals/chunked?: yes
  redirect see-other [
   net-error reduce ['access 'protocol "Redirects not supported yet"]
  unauthorized client-error server-error proxy-auth use-proxy proxy-auth [
   net-error reduce ['access 'protocol port/locals/response-line]
  info [
   ; we just ignore the informational response, and try to parse the following response
   parse-response port
  version-not-supported [
   net-error reduce ['access 'protocol "HTTP version not supported"]
http-response-headers: context [
 Last-Modified: none
parse-header-date: func [date] [
 parse/all date [
  opt [["Mon" | "Tue" | "Wed" | "Thu" | "Fri" | "Sat" | "Sun"] #","]
  any space-char date:
 to date! date