
1. Introduction

Hardball is Rugby's successor. It is a simple RPC broker for REBOL that allows importing a "remote" module and using it just like it was local.

For example, if you have %my-module.r that you are importing in your program, like:

module [
 Imports: [%my-module.r]
] [

but you want to move it to a separate process, perhaps on a remote computer, you just need to change that to:

module [
 Imports: [hardball://somehost/my-module.r]
] [

Provided you're running:

serve-modules %my-module.r

on "somehost".

2. Overview

Basically, we just define the hardball:// scheme, which generates a local stub module that calls the remote system, and the serve-modules function which starts a Hardball server.

configure-hardball can be used to set the default values for the configuration. This is necessary on the client side because you don't have any chance to specify a configuration when using a URL like hardball://somehost/somemodule.r.


Functions common to server and client
configure-hardball: func [
 "Set up default values for Harball's configuration" [catch]
 config [block!]
] [
 Set up the default configuration values for the client and the server

serve-modules support functions
serve-modules: func [
 {Start the Hardball server, giving access to the given modules} [catch]
 config [file! object! url! block!] {Module or list of modules to export over the network, or list of configuration values}
] [
 Export modules over the network by listening on TCP port port-id and executing requests

The client side is a pass-thru protocol handler. It actually just returns a stub module that calls the remote functions. (This currently also means that two connections to the servers are actually created: one when the stub is created - and this is usually closed just after that - and another one - which is used when calling functions - when the stub module is actually loaded.)

Overview +≡

make Root-Protocol [
 port-flags: system/standard/port-flags/pass-thru

 Hardball scheme handler functions

 net-utils/net-install Hardball self 1025

When using the client at a lower level, you can use make-hardball-configuration, open-hardball-connection, list-exported-modules, list-exported-functions and call-remote-function.

Overview +≡

Client-side support functions
make-hardball-configuration: func [
 "Return a Hardball client configuration object" [catch]
 config [block!]
] [
 Create a client configuration object
open-hardball-connection: func [
 "Open a connection to a Hardball server" [catch]
 config [object!] "Client configuration object"
 server [url! port! block!] "TCP URL or port spec"

 /local open-hardball-connection's locals
] [
 Open TCP connection to server, perform the handshake, and return the port
list-exported-modules: func [
 "List the modules exported by the server" [catch]
 server [port!] "Connection to the Hardball server"

 /local list-exported-modules's locals
] [
 List the modules exported by the server
list-exported-functions: func [
 "List the functions exported by a remote module" [catch]
 server [port!] "Connection to the Hardball server"
 module [file!] "Module name"

 /local list-exported-functions's locals
] [
 List the functions exported by module on server
call-remote-function: func [
 "Call a function in a module on a Hardball server" [catch]
 server [port!] "Connection to the Hardball server"
 module [file!] "Module name"
 block [block!] {Function name followed by arguments (will be reduced)}

 /local call-remote-function's locals
] [
 Call the function specified by block in module on server and return its result

3. Set up the default configuration values for the client and the server

Note that no checking is done at this point. Also note that only values common to both server and client (like the RSA keys) can be set here.

Set up the default configuration values for the client and the server

server-config!: parse-config server-config! config
client-config!: parse-config client-config! config

4. Export modules over the network by listening on TCP port port-id and executing requests

Export modules over the network by listening on TCP port port-id and executing requests

configuration: parse-server-config config
setup-logging configuration/logging
append-log 'info ["Hardball server starting"]
append-log 'debug [
 "Exporting" either block? configuration/modules [
  divide length? configuration/modules 2
 ] [
 ] "module(s)"
append-log 'debug ["Public key:^/" mold configuration/public-key]
append-log 'debug ["Allowed peers:^/" mold/only configuration/allowed-peers]
log-errors [
 append-log 'debug ["Listening to port" configuration/port-id]
 listen: open/binary/no-wait [scheme: 'tcp port-id: configuration/port-id]
 append-test-trace 'listening
 connections: reduce [listen]
 listen/awake: :listen-awake
 wait connections
] [
 append-log 'info ["Hardball server shutting down"]
 append-test-trace 'quitting
 foreach connection connections [attempt [close connection]]
 clear connections

4.1 serve-modules support functions

serve-modules support functions

connections: [ ]
log-errors: func [[throw] code cleanup /local error] [
 either error? set/any 'error try code [
  append-log 'fatal ["Fatal error:^/" form-error/all disarm error]
  attempt cleanup
 ] cleanup
server-config!: make config! [
 modules: none
 port-id: 1025
 logging: [only [fatal error info] to output]
listen-awake: func [port /local conn error] [
 ; we have a new connection
 conn: first port
 append-log 'info ["Hello to" conn/remote-ip ":" conn/remote-port]
 append-test-trace 'got-connection
 ; set it up, send greeting
 conn/locals: context [
  session: make-messages-session
  buffer: copy #{}
 conn/awake: :server-awake
 ; if we get an error here, we just close the connection
 if error? error: try [
  append-test-trace 'greeting
  greet-messages-peer conn conn/locals/session configuration
  append connections conn
 ] [
  append-test-trace 'error-sending-greeting
  append-log 'error ["Error sending greeting, closing connection:" form-error disarm error]
  attempt [close conn]
server-awake: func [port /local data message error] [
 ; incoming data
 unless data: attempt [copy port] [
  append-log 'info ["Goodbye to" port/remote-ip ":" port/remote-port]
  append-test-trace 'client-close
  close port
  remove find connections port
  return false
 with port/locals [
  append buffer data
  if error? error: try [
   while [message: receive-message buffer session] [
    append-test-trace 'got-message
    if handle-message port session message [
     append-test-trace ['handle-message 'returned 'true]
     return true
  ] [
   append-test-trace ['error 'during 'receive-message 'or 'handle-message]
   append-log 'error ["Error while receiving/handling message:" form-error disarm error]
   append-log 'info ["Closing connection with" port/remote-ip ":" port/remote-port]
   attempt [close port]
   remove find connections port
parse-server-config: func [config /local cfg here word] [
 append-test-trace 'parsing-config
 switch type?/word config [
  file! url! [
   append-test-trace 'config-is-one-module
   make server-config! [
    modules: prepare-module load-module config
  object! [
   unless module? config [
    invalid-arg config
   append-test-trace 'config-is-one-module-object
   make server-config! [
    modules: config
  block! [
   append-test-trace 'config-is-block
   cfg: make server-config! [ ]
   parse config [
    some [
     file! opt ['as file!]
     url! 'as file!
     word! 'as file!
     end (append-test-trace 'config-is-list-of-modules cfg/modules: config)
     here: (invalid-arg here)
    (append-test-trace 'config-is-setting-values)
    any [
     set word set-word! do-next (
      unless word: in cfg word [
       invalid-arg word
      set word pop-result
      append-test-trace ['config word mold/all get word]
    [end | here: (invalid-arg here)]
   switch/default type?/word cfg/modules [
    file! url! [
     append-test-trace 'modules-is-one-file
     cfg/modules: prepare-module load-module cfg/modules
    object! [
     append-test-trace 'modules-is-one-module
     unless module? cfg/modules [invalid-arg cfg/modules]
    block! [
     append-test-trace 'modules-is-a-block
     cfg/modules: parse-module-list cfg/modules
   ] [
    invalid-arg cfg/modules
   unless integer? cfg/port-id [invalid-arg cfg/port-id]
parse-module-list: func [modules /local mod name] [
 append-test-trace 'parsing-module-list
 collect [
  parse modules [
   some [
    set mod file! [
     'as set name file! (
      append-test-trace ['file mod 'as name]
      keep name
      keep prepare-module load-module mod
      append-test-trace ['file mod 'as mod]
      keep mod
      keep prepare-module load-module mod
    set mod url! 'as set name file! (
     append-test-trace ['url mod 'as name]
     keep name
     keep prepare-module load-module mod
    set mod word! 'as set name file! (
     append-test-trace ['word mod 'as name]
     unless module? get/any mod [invalid-arg mod]
     keep name
     keep prepare-module get mod
    here: skip (invalid-arg here)
prepare-module: func [module] [
 make module [
  callable: use first export-ctx reduce ['bind? to lit-word! first first export-ctx]
  foreach word bind first callable export-ctx [
   if function? get word [set in callable word prepare-function get word]
prepare-function: func [f /local spec types ref?] [
 make function! collect [
  spec: third :f
  ref?: no
  foreach word first :f [
   if word = /local [break]
   keep to get-word! word
   either refinement? word [
    keep/only [logic! none!]
    ref?: yes
   ] [
    if block? types: select spec word [
     keep/only either ref? [join types none!] [types]
  if local: find first :f /local [keep local]
 ] second :f
keep-module: func [name module] [
 keep name
 keep/only compose/only [
  Title: (module/title)
  Author: (get in module 'author)
  Version: (get in module 'version)
  Purpose: (module/purpose)
  Exports: (module/exports)
  Globals: (module/globals)
handle-message: func [port [port!] session [object!] message [block!] /local module function arguments mod f args res] [
 append-test-trace 'handling-message
 append-log 'debug ["Handle message: state:" session/state "message:" mold/only message]
 switch/default session/state [
  data [
   parse message [
    'list set module file! (
     append-test-trace ['list module]
     mod: either block? configuration/modules [
      select configuration/modules module
     ] [
     send-message port session either mod [
      collect [
       keep 'Module keep module keep 'Exports
       foreach word bind first mod/export-ctx mod/export-ctx [
        if function? function: get word [
         keep word
         keep/only copy/part args: third :function any [
          find args /local
          tail args
     ] [
      [Error Unknown-Module "I don't have that module here"]
    'list (
     append-test-trace ['list 'modules]
     send-message port session collect [
      keep [Modules List]
      either block? configuration/modules [
       foreach [name module] configuration/modules [
        keep-module name module
      ] [
       keep-module none configuration/modules
    'call set module file! set function word! arguments: to end (
     append-test-trace ['call module function mold/all copy arguments]
     mod: either block? configuration/modules [
      select configuration/modules module
     ] [
     send-message port session either mod [
      append-test-trace 'module-ok
      either f: in mod/callable function [
       either function? f: get f [
        append-test-trace 'function-ok
        args: first :f
        either equal? length? arguments -1 + index? any [find args /local tail args] [
         append-test-trace 'arguments-ok
         either error? set/any 'res try append reduce [:f] arguments [
          append-test-trace 'error-thrown
          res: disarm res
          ; don't reveal
          res/near: none
          res/where: none
          if all [res/type = 'script res/id = 'expect-arg] [
           res/arg1: function
           res/arg2: to word! res/arg2
          reduce ['Error 'REBOL-Error res]
         ] [
          append-test-trace 'call-ok
          reduce ['Result module function get/any 'res]
        ] [
         append-test-trace 'invalid-arguments
         [Error Invalid-Arguments "Invalid argument list for that function"]
       ] [
        append-test-trace 'unknown-function
        [Error Unknown-Function "The module does not export that function"]
      ] [
       append-test-trace 'unknown-function
       [Error Unknown-Function "The module does not export that function"]
     ] [
      append-test-trace 'unknown-module
      [Error Unknown-Module "I don't have that module here"]
    'quit (
     append-test-trace 'quit
     return true
     append-test-trace 'unknown-command
     append-log 'error ["Unknown command:" copy/part mold/only message 30]
     send-message port session [Error Unknown-Command "I don't know what you're talking about"]
 ] [
  append-test-trace 'still-handshake
  message: handle-handshake-message session configuration message
  if block? message [
   append-test-trace 'sending-handshake-response
   send-message port session message

5. Hardball scheme handler functions

Hardball scheme handler functions

open: func [port] [
 setup-logging client-config!/logging
 port/sub-port: open-hardball-connection make client-config! [ ] [
  scheme: 'tcp
  host: port/host
  port-id: port/port-id
 port/state/tail: 1
 port/state/index: 0
 port/state/flags: port/state/flags or port-flags
close: func [port] [
 close* port/sub-port
copy: func [port /local module] [
  list-exported-functions port/sub-port module: append to file! any [port/path ""] port/target
  port/host port/port-id module

6. Low level client-side functions

This section contains the implementation of the lower lever client-side functions.

6.1 Create a client configuration object

Create a client configuration object

parse-config client-config! config

6.2 Open TCP connection to server, perform the handshake, and return the port

Open TCP connection to server, perform the handshake, and return the port

server: open/binary/no-wait server
with server/locals: context [
 buffer: copy #{}
 session: make-messages-session
 ; TODO: fix this
 session/role: 'client
 session/max-block-length: 1024 * 1024
 configuration: config
] [
 greet-messages-peer server session configuration
 forever [
  wait server
  unless data: copy server [
   throw-error ['Unexpected-Close "during handshake"]
  append buffer data
  while [message: receive-message buffer session] [
   message: handle-handshake-message session configuration message
   if message = true [break]
   if block? message [
    send-message server session message
  if message = true [break]

6.2.1 open-hardball-connection's locals

open-hardball-connection's locals

data message

6.3 List the modules exported by the server

List the modules exported by the server

parse send-and-receive server [List] [
 'Modules 'List list: (return list)
 list: (throw-error ['Unexpected-Response list])

6.3.1 list-exported-modules's locals

list-exported-modules's locals


6.4 List the functions exported by module on server

List the functions exported by module on server

parse send-and-receive server reduce ['List module] [
 'Module module 'Exports list: (return list)
 list: (throw-error ['Unexpected-Response list])

6.4.1 list-exported-functions's locals

list-exported-functions's locals


6.5 Call the function specified by block in module on server and return its result

Call the function specified by block in module on server and return its result

unless parse block [word! to end] [
 invalid-arg block
function: to lit-word! block/1
parse send-and-receive server compose [
 Call (module) (block/1) (reduce next block)
] [
 'Result module function set result skip
 'Error 'REBOL-Error set result object! (
  throw make error! next next second result
 'Error copy result [
 ] (throw-error [result/1 result/2])
 result: (throw-error ['Unexpected-Response result])
get/any 'result

6.5.1 call-remote-function's locals

call-remote-function's locals

function result

6.6 Client-side support functions

Client-side support functions

client-config!: make config! [
 ; no logging by default
 logging: [only [print-at-all-costs] to output]
send-and-receive: func [port message /local data] [
 with port/locals [
  send-message port session message
  forever [
   wait port
   unless data: copy port [
    throw-error ['Unexpected-Close "(expecting response)"]
   append buffer data
   if message: receive-message buffer session [
    return message
close*: :close
generate-stub-module: func [function-list server-host server-port-id module-name /local arg-name] [
 collect [
  keep 'REBOL
  keep/only compose/only [
   Type: Module
   Imports: [%schemes/hardball.r]
   Exports: (extract function-list 2)
  keep [
   _config: make-hardball-configuration [ ]
   _port: open-hardball-connection _config _server-url:
  keep join tcp:// [server-host #":" server-port-id]
  foreach [name spec] function-list [
   keep to set-word! name
   keep 'func
   keep/only spec
   keep/only compose/only [
    ; if we lost connection, try connecting again
    unless attempt [copy _port] [
     attempt [close _port]
     _port: open-hardball-connection _config _server-url
    call-remote-function _port (module-name) (
     collect [
      keep name
      parse spec [
       any [string! | block!]
       some [
        set arg-name [word! | refinement!]
        any [string! | block!]
        (keep to get-word! arg-name)

7. Functions common to server and client

Functions common to server and client

config!: context [
 public-key: none
 private-key: none
 allowed-peers: [ ]
invalid-arg: func [val] [
 throw make error! reduce ['script 'invalid-arg :val]
with: func [[throw] object code] [do bind code object]
parse-config: func [template config /local cfg word] [
 cfg: make template [ ]
 parse config [
  any [
   set word set-word! do-next (
    unless word: in cfg word [
     invalid-arg word
    set word pop-result
    append-test-trace ['config word mold/all get word]
  [end | here: (invalid-arg here)]
; errors
throw-error: func [args [block! word!]] [
 throw make error! join [Hardball] args
system/error/hardball: make system/error/hardball [
 List of error values

7.1 List of error values

List of error values

Unexpected-Close: ["Connection unexpectedly closed" :arg1]
Unexpected-Response: ["Unexpected response from peer:" copy/part mold/only :arg1 15]
Invalid-Arguments: Unknown-Function: Unknown-Module: Unknown-Command: ["Peer says:" :arg1]