
1. Introduction

This has been taken out of the imapcommands:// scheme to ease testing and allow reuse.

2. Overview

Documentation still to be written.


open-block: func [type] [
 append/only stack curr
 append/only curr curr: make type 16
close-block: does [
 curr: last stack
 remove back tail stack
emit: func [value] [
 append/only curr value
reset: does [
 stack: make block! 16
 curr: make block! 32
atom: [copy value some atom-char (emit if value <> "NIL" [to word! value])]
atom-char: complement charset [#"^@" - #"^_" #"^~" {()[]{} %"\}]
value2: none
special-atom: [
 copy value some atom-char
 #"[" copy value2 to #"]" skip
 (value: make path! reduce [to word! value value2])
 opt [
  #"<" copy value2 some digit #">" (append value to integer! value2)
 (emit value)
space: #" "
date: [
  #"^"" opt wday copy value [date-text2 space time opt [space zone]] #"^""
  #"^"" opt wday copy value date-text2 #"^""
  copy value date-text
 (emit attempt [to date! trim value]) ; i don't like it, but IMAP servers seem to be very broken
date-text2: [[space digit | 1 2 digit] [#"-" | #" "] month [#"-" | #" "] [4 digit | 2 digit]]
date-text: [[space digit | 1 2 digit] #"-" month #"-" 4 digit]
month: [
 "Jan" | "Feb" | "Mar" | "Apr" | "May" | "Jun" |
 "Jul" | "Aug" | "Sep" | "Oct" | "Nov" | "Dec"
wday: [
 "Mon, " | "Tue, " | "Wed, " | "Thu, " | "Fri, " | "Sat, " | "Sun, "
time: [2 digit #":" 2 digit opt [#":" 2 digit]]
zone: [
  [#"+" | #"-"] zoneworkaround: 4 digit (
   zoneworkaround: skip insert skip zoneworkaround 2 #":" 2
  ) :zoneworkaround
 opt [space "(" thru ")"]
afternumber: charset " )]"
number: [copy value some digit [end | mk1: afternumber :mk1] (emit to integer! value)] ; should be unsigned... :(
string: [quoted | literal]
quoted: [
 #"^"" (str: make string! 256) any [
  mk1: some quoted-char mk2: (insert/part tail str mk1 mk2)
  #"\" [#"^"" (append str #"^"") | #"\" (append str #"\")]
 ] #"^"" (emit str)
quoted-char: complement charset {^M "\}
literal: [
 #"{" copy value some digit #"}" end mk1: (
  emit read-literal port to integer! value
  insert mk1 any [pick port 1 ""]
text: [copy value some text-char (emit value)]
text-char: complement charset CRLF
flag: [#"\" copy value some atom-char (emit to refinement! value)]
imap-block: [#"[" (open-block block!) imap-list #"]" (close-block)]
imap-value: [
 #"(" (open-block paren!) imap-list #")" (close-block)
 date | number | string | flag | special-atom | atom
imap-list: [any [imap-value any space]]
response: [
 #"+" some space (emit '+) text
 atom some space
 copy value ["OK" | "PREAUTH" | "BYE" | "NO" | "BAD"] some space (emit to word! value)
 opt imap-block text
 (clear curr) imap-list
parse-imap-line: func [line port' /local result] [
 port: port'
 result: curr
 if not parse/all line response [
  append-log 'error ["Unable to parse this line:^/" line]
  net-error "Parse error"

The read-literal function is used by the -imap-parser- to read a string literal from the server. This function basically just reads count bytes from the server. The port is switched to binary mode to allow reading the bytes, then switched back to lines mode.

Overview +≡

read-literal: func [port count] [
 set-modes port [lines: false binary: true]
 also copy/part port count
  set-modes port [binary: false lines: true]

form-imap converts a REBOL block into IMAP syntax. The result of the conversion is appended to the output block of strings (this allows handling of IMAP's literal strings). The values inside the command block are converted according to the following rules:

Overview +≡

form-imap: func [output command [block! paren!] /local output-str value mk1 mk2] [
 either empty? output [append output output-str: copy ""] [output-str: last output]
 parse command [
  some [
    set value block! (
     append output-str #"["
     form-imap output value
     append output-str: last output #"]"
    set value paren! (
     append output-str #"("
     form-imap output value
     append output-str: last output #")"
    set value date! (
     repend output-str either value/time [
       either value/day < 10 [#" "] [""] value/day
       pick [
        "Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun"
        "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec"
       ] value/month
       #" "
       form-time value/time
       #" "
       form-zone value/zone
     ] [
       pick [
        "Jan" "Feb" "Mar" "Apr" "May" "Jun"
        "Jul" "Aug" "Sep" "Oct" "Nov" "Dec"
       ] value/month
    set value integer! (append output-str value)
    set value string! (
     either find value newline [
      value: to binary! value
      ; I don't like this at all
      replace/all value newline CRLF
      repend output-str [#"{" length? value #"}"]
      insert insert tail output value output-str: copy ""
     ] [
      append output-str #"^""
      parse/all value [
       any [
        mk1: some quoted-char mk2: (insert/part tail output-str mk1 mk2)
        #"\" (append output-str "\\")
        #"^"" (append output-str {\"})
      append output-str #"^""
    set value refinement! (insert insert tail output-str #"\" value)
    set value path! (
     repend output-str [
      first value
      #"[" second value #"]"
     if 3 = length? value [
      repend output-str [
       #"<" third value #">"
    set value [word! | issue!] (append output-str value)
   [end | (append output-str " ")]

form-time and form-zone are used by form-imap when converting date values.


form-time: func [time] [
 time: form time
 switch length? time [
  4 [insert time #"0" append time ":00"]
  5 [append time ":00"]
  7 [insert time #"0"]
form-zone: func [zone /local res] [
 res: copy either negative? zone ["-"] ["+"]
 zone: abs zone
 append res 100 + zone/hour * 100 + zone/minute
 remove next res