
1. Introduction

This module defines functions to handle simple CSS strings such as the ones found inside a HTML tag's style attribute. It is not yet capable of parsing an actual style sheet.

2. Overview


non-special: complement charset ":;"
parse-css: func [
 "Parse a simple CSS string"
 css [string!]
 /local result name* value
] [
 result: make block! 16
 parse/all css [
  any space-char some [
   copy name* name #":" any space-char copy value any non-special [#";" | end]
   (insert insert tail result to word! name* if value [trim/lines value])
   any space-char
form-css: func [
 "Form a CSS string"
 css [block!]
 /local result
] [
 emit make string! 24 [
  foreach [name value] css [
   if value [name ": " value #";"]