
1. Introduction

A tree is a very common data structure that can be used in many ways by many different algorithms. This module defines a set of functions to create and modify trees. A tree is composed of nodes; each node has a type, some properties, a parent node (unless it's the root of the three), and zero or more child nodes.


3. Overview


make-node: func [
 type [word!]
] [
 reduce [type none copy [ ]]
node-type: 1 node-parent: 2 node-properties: 3 node-first-child: 4
node?: func [
 node [any-type!]
] [
 all [block? get/any 'node parse node [word! [block! | none!] block! any block!]]
invalid-arg: func [val] [throw make error! compose/only [script invalid-arg (:val)]]
set-assoc: func [block word value /local pos] [
 either pos: find/only block word [
  pos/2: :value
 ] [
  insert/only insert/only tail block word :value
remove-node: func [node] [
 if node/:node-parent [
  fix-parents remove node/:node-parent
  node/:node-parent: none
insert-node: func [pos node] [
 unless node? :node [invalid-arg :node]
 remove-node node
 insert/only node/:node-parent: pos node
 fix-parents next pos
fix-parents: func [
 childs [block!]
] [
 forall childs [
  childs/1/:node-parent: childs
resolve-path: func [path] [
 path: copy path
 parse path [
  some [
   paren! (path: change/part path do path/1 1) :path
   get-word! (path: change/part path get path/1 1) :path
 head path
node-path: make-rule [node /local pos] [
 'parent (push-result if node/:node-parent [head node/:node-parent])
 'next (push-result if node/:node-parent [node/:node-parent/2])
 ['prev | 'previous] (
  push-result all [node/:node-parent node-first-child < index? node/:node-parent node/:node-parent/-1]
 'childs [
  set pos [integer! | word!]
  set pos skip (invalid-arg :pos)
 ] (
  node: at node node-first-child
  either integer? pos [
   if negative? pos [pos: pos + 1 + length? node]
   push-result pick node max 0 pos
  ] [
   push-result foreach child node [
    if child/:node-type = pos [
     break/return child
set-node: func [
 'what [path! set-path!]

 /local node pos word
] [
 parse what: resolve-path what [
  set word word! (
   node: throw-on-error [get word]
   unless node? node [invalid-arg node]
  ) some [
   'type end (
    unless word? :value [invalid-arg :value]
    node/:node-type: value
   ['prop | 'properties] [
    set word word!
    set word skip (invalid-arg :word)
   ] end (set-assoc node/:node-properties word :value)
   ['prop | 'properties] end (
    unless block? :value [invalid-arg :value]
    parse value [
     any [[word! | path!] skip] end (node/:node-properties: value)
     any [
      set word set-word! do-next (set-assoc node/:node-properties to word! word pop-result)
      set word set-path! do-next (set-assoc node/:node-properties to path! word pop-result)
     ] end
     pos: (invalid-arg pos)
   'parent end (
    unless any [none? :value node? :value] [invalid-arg :value]
    remove-node node
    if value [
     insert/only node/:node-parent: tail value node
   'next end (
    unless node/:node-parent [invalid-arg what]
    insert-node next node/:node-parent :value
   ['prev | 'previous] end (
    unless node/:node-parent [invalid-arg what]
    insert-node node/:node-parent :value
   (push-arguments [node]) node-path (
    unless node? node: pop-result [invalid-arg what]
  (invalid-arg mold what)
get-node: func [
 'what [path!]

 /local word node
] [
 parse what: resolve-path what [
  set word word! (
   node: throw-on-error [get word]
   unless node? node [invalid-arg node]
  ) some [
   'type end (return node/:node-type)
   ['prop | 'properties] [
    set word word!
    set word skip (invalid-arg :word)
    end (return node/:node-properties)
   ] end (return select node/:node-properties word)
   'childs end (return at node node-first-child)
   (push-arguments [node]) node-path (node: pop-result) [
    end (return node)
    (unless node? node [invalid-arg mold what])
  (invalid-arg mold what)
append-node-rule: make-rule [
] [
 (set-node child/parent: parent push-result parent)
node-rule: make-rule [
 /local type this-node name value
] [
 set type word! (this-node: make-node type)
 into [
  any [
   set name set-word!
   (set-node this-node/prop/(to word! name) pop-result)
   set name word!
   set value skip
   (set-node this-node/prop/:name: :value)
 (push-result this-node)
 any [
  into [
   node-rule append-node-rule
make-tree: func [
 spec [block!]
] [
 parse spec node-rule
mold-tree*: func [
 tree [block!]
 /local result
] [
 result: reduce [tree/:node-type tree/:node-properties]
 foreach child get-node tree/childs [
  append/only result mold-tree* child
mold-tree: func [
 tree [block!]
] [
 mold/all mold-tree* tree
clone-tree: func [
 tree [block!]
 /local result
] [
 result: reduce [tree/:node-type none copy tree/:node-properties]
 foreach child at tree node-first-child [
  child: clone-tree child
  set-node child/parent: result
save-tree: func [
 where [file! url!]
 tree [block!]
] [
 save/all where mold-tree* tree
load-tree: func [
 tree [file! url! string! any-block!]
] [
 make-tree load tree
make-node-path: func [node /local result] [
 result: make path! 4
 until [
  insert result node/:node-type
  any [
   none? node/:node-parent
   not node: head node/:node-parent
match-path?: func [
 current [word!]
 pattern [word! paren!]
 path [path!]
 pattern-path [path!]
] [
 forever [
  if all [paren? pattern not find pattern current] [return false]
  if all [word? pattern not find [* **] pattern pattern <> current] [return false]
  if head? pattern-path [return true]
  if head? path [return false]
  either pattern = '** [
   return any [
    match-path? current pattern-path/-1 path back pattern-path
    match-path? current '* path pattern-path
    match-path? path/-1 '** back path pattern-path
  ] [
   pattern-path: back pattern-path
   path: back path
   current: path/1
   pattern: pattern-path/1
match-type?: func [
 node [block!]
 type [path!]
 /local node-path
] [
 node-path: back tail make-node-path node
 type: back tail type
 match-path? node-path/1 type/1 node-path type
all-step: func [[throw] value] [
 unless :value [return false]
any-step: func [[throw] value] [
 if :value [return true]
node-words: ['type | 'prop | 'properties | 'parent | 'next | 'prev | 'previous | 'childs]
match-node?: func [
 node [block!]
 'mode [word!]
 predicates [block!]

 /local property value node2 result op
] [
 mode: either mode = 'any [
  result: false
 ] [
  result: true
 parse predicates [
  some [
   'any set predicates block! (mode match-node? node any predicates)
   'all set predicates block! (mode match-node? node all predicates)
   set property ['type | into [thru 'type]] '~ set value path! (
    node2: either path? property [get-node node/(copy/part property back tail property)] [node]
    mode match-type? node2 value
   set property ['prop | 'properties | into [thru 'prop] | into [thru 'properties]]
   set value ['prop | 'properties | into [thru 'prop] | into [thru 'properties]] (
    property: sort/skip get-node node/:property 2
    value: sort/skip get-node node/:value 2
    mode property = value
   set property [node-words | into [node-words to end]] set op word! [
    set value paren! (value: do value)
    set value [node-words | into [node-words to end]] (value: get-node node/:value)
    do-next (value: pop-result)
   ] (
    property: get-node node/:property
    either op = 'in [
     mode find :value :property
    ] [
     do head change next next [mode :property = :value] op
   do-next (mode pop-result)
unwrap-node: func [
 node [block!]
 /local parent
] [
 either empty? at node node-first-child [
  set-node node/parent: none
 ] [
  if parent: node/:node-parent [
   change/part parent at node node-first-child 1
   fix-parents parent
rewrite-tree*: func [
 tree rules
 /local result
] [
 result: false
 foreach child at tree node-first-child [
  result: result or rewrite-tree* child rules
 foreach [match action] rules [
  if match-node? tree all match [
   result: true
   do get action tree
rewrite-tree: func [
 tree [block!]
 rules [block!]
] [
 until [
  not rewrite-tree* tree rules