
1. Introduction

This module defines a set of functions to send and receive encrypted message packets. They are used as the basis of the Hardball protocol, and are defined separately to ease testing and to allow reuse in other similar REBOL based protocols.

2. Overview

All the functions here take a session object as argument; this object holds the state of the session between the two peers that are exchanging messages. You can use the make-messages-session function to create and initialize such an object when the session is established (eg. on TCP connection).


Random number generator initialization
Definition of constants used by the code
Hardball errors
Support functions

make-messages-session: func [
 "Create a messages session object"
] [
 context [
  Session variables

2.1 send-message and receive-message

send-message allows you to send a REBOL block to the other peer. The output can be a binary! (or any other string series) that you can then send to the other peer by other means, or (for example) a TCP port connected to your peer (needs to be in binary mode). This function takes care of serialization, encryption and encapsulation of the message.

Overview +≡

send-message: func [
 "Send a message securely"
 output [port! any-string!] "Message destination"
 session [object!]
 message [block!] "Contents"
] [
 Serialize, encrypt and encapsulate message

The opposite function, receive-message, takes care of "decapsulation", decryption and recreation of the original message. buffer contains the data coming from the other peer, and may contain many messages or even a partial message. The buffer is modified (bytes that are "consumed" are removed from it; also any "garbage" that is not recognized as a message packet is removed), so you need to copy it if you want to preserve its contents. The function returns none if there are no messages in the buffer, or if the message in the buffer is not complete (that is, more data is needed and should be appended to the buffer); otherwise it returns the first message in the buffer (messages are always block! values), and remove it from the buffer. You should call it in a loop until it returns none in order to get all the messages in the buffer.

Overview +≡

receive-message: func [
 "Receive a message sent by SEND-MESSAGE" [catch]
 buffer [any-string!] {Input buffer (may contain many messages, is MODIFIED)}
 session [object!]

 /local recieve-message's locals
] [
 Process the next message in buffer

For example:

while [message: receive-message buffer session] [
 probe message
; all messages in the buffer have been considered at this point

Please note, that after that loop, buffer may not be empty, but contain a partial message that is still being received etc. If you were receiving data from a TCP port, you would do something like (assuming binary no-wait port):

forever [
 wait port
 unless data: copy port [break]
 append buffer data
 while [message: receive-message buffer session] [
  probe message

receive-message can throw errors if the message in the buffer is invalid. See List of error values for more details.

2.2 Protocol handshake

The message exchange protocol is based on an initial handshake between the two peer to establish secure communication. During handshake, peer authentication is performed, and a session key is established.

The handshake can be performed using the greet-messages-peer and handle-handshake-message functions:

Overview +≡

greet-messages-peer: func [
 "Send the Hardball greeting to the other peer"
 output [port! any-string!]
 session [object!]
 config [object!]
] [
 Send the greeting message to the peer
handle-handshake-message: func [
 {Handle Hardball messages during the protocol handshake phase} [catch]
 session [object!]
 config [object!]
 message [block!]

 /local handle-handshake-message's locals
] [
 Handle message and return response message

On connection, you use greet-messages-peer as the first thing to send the greeting. Then, you call handle-handshake-message with the messages you get, and send its result block to the peer, until you get true as a result, which means that the handshake phase is complete and you can start sending / receiving messages securely over the channel.

config: context [
 public-key: my-rsa-public-key
 private-key: my-rsa-private-key
 allowed-peers: [ ... ] ; list of public keys
port: open/binary/no-wait tcp://somehost:1025
session: make-messages-session
greet-messages-peer port session config
buffer: #{}
forever [
 wait port
 unless data: copy port [
  make error! "Connection unexpectedly closed during handshake"
 append buffer data
 while [message: receive-message buffer session] [
  message: handle-handshake-message session config message
  if message = true [break]
  if block? message [
   send-message port session message
 if message = true [break]
; handshake phase complete
; there may still be messages in buffer at this point

See List of error values for the kind of errors they can throw.

3. Session variables

We'll introduce and explain the session variables as we encounter them below.

Session variables

; see below

4. Serialize, encrypt and encapsulate message

The message is serialized using mold/all/only and encrypted using encrypt-message (see send-message's support functions and values). Then, a message packet header is generated and prepended to it.

Serialize, encrypt and encapsulate message

; TODO: compand and expand
append-log 'debug ["Sending message:" mold/all/only message]
message: encrypt-message session mold/all/only message
send-hdr/block-length: length? message
;send-hdr/payload-length: 0
append-log 'debug ["Sending message header:" mold get send-hdr]
insert insert insert tail output
 mold/only get send-hdr

4.1 send-message's support functions and values

send-message's support functions and values

encrypt-message: func [session data /local port hmac-key hmac] [
 append-log 'debug ["Encrypting" length? data "bytes message"]
 ; encrypt the data
 port: open [
  scheme: 'crypt
  algorithm: 'blowfish
  direction: 'encrypt
  strength: 160
  key: (next-number session/output-sequence)
  padding: true
  init-vector: #{48E1041BB8D358D79B3D6D5B6C21A73C90D7B88E}
 append-log 'debug-secret ["Encrypting message using key:" mold port/key]
 insert port data
 update port
 data: copy port
 close port
 append-log 'debug ["Encrypted message:" length? data "bytes"]
 ; add HMAC
 hmac-key: next-number session/output-sequence
 append-log 'debug-secret ["HMAC key:" mold hmac-key]
 hmac: checksum/secure/key data hmac-key
 append-log 'debug ["HMAC:" mold hmac]
 head insert data hmac
header!: context [
 hardball: 'Hardball
 version: 1
 block-length: 0
 payload-length: 0
send-hdr: make header! [ ]

We're using a random number sequence for output messages ("output sequence"); by default it is initialized with magic-number as the seed (the actual encryption starts only after the handshake is done; before that, messages are obfuscated but can be decrypted by anyone).

Session variables +≡

output-sequence: make-sequence magic-number

5. Process the next message in buffer

Process the next message in buffer

append-log 'debug ["receive-message:" length? buffer "bytes in the buffer"]
unless session/header [
 append-log 'debug ["Scanning for message header"]
 ; skip any garbage before the header
 remove/part buffer any [find buffer 'Hardball tail buffer]
 either mark: find buffer #"^@" [
  ; LOAD will stop at the null character!
  session/header: to block! as-string buffer
  append-log 'debug ["Received message header:" mold/all session/header]
  remove/part buffer next mark
  unless parse session/header header-rule [
   mark: session/header
   reset-session session
   throw-error ['Invalid-Header mark]
 ] [
  append-log 'debug ["Message header not found or not complete"]
  if max-header-length < length? buffer [
   reset-session session
   ; see if we can find the next message
   remove/part buffer 8
   throw-error ['Header-Too-Long length? buffer]
if all [session/header not session/block] [
 append-log 'debug ["Receiving message block"]
 set recv-hdr session/header
 case [
  recv-hdr/block-length < 3 [
   reset-session session
   throw-error ['Block-Too-Short recv-hdr/block-length]
  recv-hdr/block-length > session/max-block-length [
   reset-session session
   remove/part buffer recv-hdr/block-length
   remove/part buffer recv-hdr/payload-length
   throw-error ['Block-Too-Long recv-hdr/block-length]
  'else [
   append-log 'debug ["Block length:" recv-hdr/block-length "bytes. Received:" length? buffer "bytes."]
   either recv-hdr/block-length <= length? buffer [
    session/block: copy/part buffer recv-hdr/block-length
    if session/block: decrypt-message session session/block [
     session/block: log-attempt [to block! to string! session/block]
    append-log 'debug ["Received message:" mold/all session/block]
    remove/part buffer recv-hdr/block-length
    unless session/block [
     reset-session session
     throw-error 'Can't-Decrypt
   ] [
    append-log 'debug ["Message block not complete"]
 if recv-hdr/payload-length <> 0 [
  throw make error! "Expand/compand not supported yet"
append-log 'debug [length? buffer "bytes still in the buffer"]
if session/block [
 append-log 'debug ["We have the full message"]
  reset-session session

We need to keep these three variables in the session to be able to reconstruct messages incrementally (ie. across multiple calls to receive-message):

Session variables +≡

header: block: payload: none

The maximum block and payload lengths are also kept in the session object since they can be changed per-session.

Session variables +≡

max-block-length: 64 * 1024
max-payload-length: 0 ; not implemented yet

5.1 recieve-message's locals

recieve-message's locals


5.2 receive-message's support functions and values

receive-message's support functions and values

header-rule: ['Hardball 1 1 1 integer! integer!]
recv-hdr: make header! [ ]
reset-session: func [session] [
 session/header: session/block: session/payload: none
decrypt-message: func [session data /local port hmac d-key hmac-key comp-hmac] [
 hmac: copy/part data 20
 data: skip data 20
 d-key: next-number session/input-sequence
 hmac-key: next-number session/input-sequence
 append-log 'debug ["Received HMAC:" mold hmac]
 append-log 'debug-secret ["HMAC key:" mold hmac-key]
 comp-hmac: checksum/secure/key data hmac-key
 append-log 'debug ["Computed HMAC:" mold comp-hmac]
 if hmac <> comp-hmac [
  append-log 'error ["Message HMAC mismatch"]
  return none
 append-log 'debug-secret ["Decrypting using key:" mold d-key]
 port: open [
  scheme: 'crypt
  algorithm: 'blowfish
  direction: 'decrypt
  strength: 160
  key: d-key
  padding: true
  init-vector: #{48E1041BB8D358D79B3D6D5B6C21A73C90D7B88E}
 insert port data
 update port
  copy port
  close port

The input sequence works in the same way as the output sequence. (See sm-support.)

Session variables +≡

input-sequence: make-sequence magic-number

6. Send the greeting message to the peer

Send the greeting message to the peer

send-message output session reduce ['Hello config/public-key]

7. Handle message and return response message

Handle message and return response message

append-test-trace session/state
switch session/state [
 hello [
  either parse message ['Hello set key binary!] [
   either find config/allowed-peers key [
    append-test-trace 'allowed
    append-log 'debug ["Accepted peer:" mold key]
    session/peer-public-key: key
    session/session-key: next-number master-sequence
    append-log 'debug-secret ["Generated random number:" mold session/session-key]
    message: encrypt-rsa key session/session-key
    append-log 'debug ["Sending encrypted random number:" mold message]
    session/state: 'key
    reduce ['Key message]
   ] [
    append-log 'error ["Peer is not welcome:" mold key]
    throw-error ['Not-Welcome key]
  ] [
   append-log 'error ["Peer is being rude:^/" copy/part mold/only/all message 30]
   throw-error 'Rude
 key [
  either parse message ['Key set key binary!] [
   append-test-trace ['got-key length? key]
   append-log 'debug ["Got peer's random number:" length? key "bytes"]
   key: decrypt-rsa config/private-key key
   append-log 'debug-secret ["Peer's random number:" mold key]
   append-log 'debug-secret ["My random number:" mold session/session-key]
   append-test-trace ['decrypted length? key]
   either 20 = length? key [
    append-test-trace 'key-ok
    key: key xor session/session-key
    append-log 'debug-secret ["Session secret:" mold key]
    key: make-sequence key
    append-test-trace ['role session/role]
    either session/role = 'server [
     session/input-sequence: make-sequence next-number key
     session/output-sequence: make-sequence next-number key
    ] [
     session/output-sequence: make-sequence next-number key
     session/input-sequence: make-sequence next-number key
    append-log 'debug-secret ["Input sequence:^/" mold/all session/input-sequence]
    append-log 'debug-secret ["Output sequence:^/" mold/all session/output-sequence]
    session/verification: next-number key
    append-log 'debug ["Verification number:" mold session/verification]
    key: encrypt-rsa config/private-key session/verification
    session/state: 'verify
    append-test-trace ['encrypted-ver-number length? key]
    reduce ['Verify key]
   ] [
    append-log 'error ["Peer's random number is not 20 bytes long"]
    throw-error ['Key-Length length? key]
  ] [
   append-log 'error [
    {Unexpected message (expecting peer's random number): } copy/part mold/only/all message 30
   throw-error 'Key-Expected
 verify [
  either parse message ['Verify set key binary!] [
   append-test-trace ['got-ver-number length? key]
   append-log 'debug ["Got verification number:" length? key "bytes"]
   key: decrypt-rsa session/peer-public-key key
   append-test-trace ['decrypted-ver-number length? key]
   append-log 'debug [
    "My verification number:" mold session/verification
    "Peer's verification number:" mold key
   either key = session/verification [
    append-test-trace 'all-good
    append-log 'debug ["All is good! Session established"]
    session/state: 'data
   ] [
    append-log 'error ["Verification number does not match"]
    throw-error ['Liar key session/verification]
  ] [
   append-log 'error [
    {Unexpected message (expecting verification number): } copy/part mold/only/all message 30
   throw-error 'Verification-Expected
 data [
  throw-error 'Handshake-Complete

The handshake phase uses the following session variables:

Session variables +≡

state: 'hello
peer-public-key: session-key: none
role: 'server
verification: none

7.1 handle-handshake-message's locals

handle-handshake-message's locals


7.2 RSA encryption and decryption functions

RSA encryption and decryption functions

encrypt-rsa: func [key value /local key'] [
 either object? key [
  ; private key
  rsa-encrypt/private key value
 ] [
  ; public key
  key': rsa-make-key
  key'/e: 3
  key'/n: key
  rsa-encrypt key' value
decrypt-rsa: func [key value /local key'] [
 either object? key [
  ; private key
  rsa-encrypt/decrypt/private key value
 ] [
  ; public key
  key': rsa-make-key
  key'/e: 3
  key'/n: key
  rsa-encrypt/decrypt key' value

8. Support functions

Support functions

send-message's support functions and values
receive-message's support functions and values
RSA encryption and decryption functions

9. Hardball errors

In this section we list and define all the message-level errors.

Hardball errors

system/error: make system/error [
 Hardball: context [
  code: 1000
  type: "Hardball Error"
  List of error values
throw-error: func [args [block! word!]] [
 throw make error! join [Hardball] args
log-attempt: func [value] [
 either error? set/any 'value try :value [
  append-log 'error [form-error/all disarm value]
 ] [
  get/any 'value

9.1 List of error values

List of error values

Invalid-Header: ["Invalid message header:" mold :arg1]
Header-Too-Long: ["Message header too long (" :arg1 "bytes)"]
Block-Too-Short: ["Message too short (" :arg1 "bytes)"]
Block-Too-Long: ["Message too long (" :arg1 "bytes)"]
Can't-Decrypt: "Unable to decrypt message"
Not-Welcome: ["Peer" mold copy/part :arg1 5 "is not welcome"]
Rude: "Peer is being rude (expected Hello message)"
Key-Length: ["Invalid random number length" :arg1 "(expected 20)"]
Key-Expected: {Unexpected message (expected 160 bit random number)}
Liar: ["Peer attempted to deceive us (received" mold copy/part :arg1 5 ", expected" mold copy/part :arg2 5 ")"]
Verification-Expected: "Unexpected message (expected verification number)"
Handshake-Complete: {Handshake phase already complete, please don't call handle-handshake-message}

10. Random number generator initialization

Random number generator initialization

random-seed: either all [system/version/4 <> 3 exists? %/dev/urandom] [
 p: open/direct/binary/read %/dev/urandom
  copy/part p 20
  (close p unset 'p)
] [
 random/seed now
 checksum/secure form random/secure 2 ** 48
master-sequence: make-sequence random-seed

11. Definition of constants used by the code

Definition of constants used by the code

magic-number: #{FD6BF3E23DB9A5317FAF36B2A5779B63D2225D22}
max-header-length: 64