
1. Introduction

Introduction to be written.

2. Overview


parser: context [
 ; somewhat simplified
 encoded-field: [
  any [
   ; when not specified, assume latin1 (common mailer bug)
   copy mk1 some normal-chars (decode-text/to mk1 'latin1 result)
   copy ew-charset some ew-chars #"?"
   copy ew-encoding some ew-chars #"?"
   copy ew-text any ew-chars
   (decode-text* result ew-charset ew-encoding any [ew-text ""])
   skip (append result #"=")
 result: none
 normal-chars: complement charset "="
 mk1: mk2: none
 ew-charset: ew-encoding: ew-text: none
 ew-chars: complement charset { ^-^M ?}
 do-parse: func [field] [
  result: make string! 256
  parse/all field encoded-field
 decode-text*: func [
  output [string!]
  charset [string!]
  encoding [string!]
  text [string!]
 ] [
  switch/default encoding [
   "Q" [
    text: decode-text text 'quoted-printable+
   "B" [
    text: as-string debase/base text 64
  ] [
   charset: "utf-8"
   text: rejoin ["[Unsupported encoding: " encoding "] " text]
  conv-chset output charset text
 conv-chset: func [output charset text] [
  charset: to block! charset
  unless all [
   parse charset [word!]
   not error? try [decode-text/to text charset/1 output]
  ] [
   repend output ["[Unsupported charset: " charset "]" either find text newline [newline] [#" "] text]
decode-email-field: func [text] [
 parser/do-parse text
printable-ascii: charset [#" " - #"^~"]
encode-email-field: func [text /local output] [
 either parse/all text [any printable-ascii] [
 ] [
  output: copy "=?UTF-8?Q?"
  encode-text/to text 'quoted-printable+ output
  append output "?="

address-parser: context [
 focus: result: [ ]
 address-list: [any space address any [any space #"," any space address]]
 address: [mailbox | group]
 mailbox: [
  name-addr | addr-name
  addr-spec (insert insert tail focus copy "" addr)
  display-name (insert insert tail focus name )
 name-addr: [[display-name | (name: copy "")] angle-addr (insert insert tail focus name addr)]
 name: none
 addr: none
 addr-name: [addr-spec any space #"(" display-name #")" any space (insert insert tail focus name addr)]
 angle-addr: [any space #"<" addr-spec #">" any space]
 space: charset " ^-^M^/"
 group: [
  display-name #":" (
   insert/only insert tail result name focus: make block! 16
  ) opt mailbox-list any space #";" any space (
   focus: result
  ; cleanup if it fails
  (focus: result)
 display-name: [quoted-string | copy name some atom (trim name)]
 atom: [any space some [atom-chars | #"\" skip] any space]
 atom-chars: complement charset { ^-^M ()<>[]:;@,"\}
 quoted-string: [any space #"^"" copy name any [quoted-chars | #"\" skip] (name: any [name copy ""]) #"^"" any space]
 quoted-chars: complement charset {"\}
 mailbox-list: [mailbox any [#"," mailbox]]
 ; addr-spec is simplified. may need to be improved.
 addr-spec: [copy addr [some email-chars #"@" some email-chars] (addr: to email! addr)]
 email-chars: complement charset {@ ^-^M <>,}
 reset: does [
  focus: result: make block! 16
parse-email-address: func [
 address [string!]
] [
 unless nodecode [
  address: decode-email-field address
 parse/all address address-parser/address-list
form-email-address: func [address /all /header /local res] [
 if string? address [return address]
 if empty? address [return ""]
 res: copy ""
 either all [
  foreach [name email] address [
   if system/words/all [not empty? res any [name email]] [append res ", "]
   repend res [
    any [if name [either header [encode-email-field name] [name]] ""]
    either name [" <"] [""]
    any [email ""] either name [">"] [""]
 ] [
  foreach [name email] address [
   name: all [name not empty? name name]
   name: any [all name email ""]
   if system/words/all [not empty? res name <> ""] [append res ", "]
   append res name

; modified from REBOL's one by Luca Truffarelli and Gabriele Santilli
build-attach-body: func [
 "Return an email body with attached files."
 bodytype [string!] {The message body Content-Type (only text/* actually supported)}
 body [string!] "The message body"
 files [block!] {List of files to send [%file1.r [%file2.r "data"]]}
 boundary [string!] "The boundary divider"
 /local make-mime-header break-lines file val ct part-header
] [
 make-mime-header: func [_Content-type file] [
  if none? _Content-type [_Content-type: "application/octet-stream"]
  net-utils/export context [
   Content-Type: rejoin [_Content-type {; name="} file {"}]
   Content-Transfer-Encoding: "base64"
   Content-Disposition: join {attachment; filename="} [file {" }]
 break-lines: func [mesg data /at num] [
  num: any [num 72]
  while [not tail? data] [
   append mesg join copy/part data num #"^/"
   data: skip data num
 body: encode-quoted-printable body
 if not empty? files [
  insert body reduce [
   "^/Content-type: " bodytype "^/Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable^/^/"
  append body "^/^/"
  if not parse files [
   some [
    (file: none ct: none part-header: false)
     set file file! (val: read/binary file)
     | into [
      set file file!
      set val skip
      set ct skip
      to end
     | into [
      set file file!
      set val skip
      to end
     | into [
      set part-header skip
      set val skip
      to end
    ] (
     either file [
      repend body [
       boundary "^/"
        make-mime-header ct any [find/last/tail file #"/" file]
      val: either any-string? val [val] [mold :val]
      break-lines body enbase val
      if part-header [
       repend body [
        boundary "^/"
       val: either any-string? val [val] [mold :val]
       break-lines body val
  ] [net-error "Cannot parse file list."]
  append body join boundary "--^/"