
1. Introduction

This module is a complete HTML parser, supporting HTML 3.2 to 4.1 and XHTML 1.0.

2. Overview


load-html: func [
 "Load HTML text into a tree"
 html [string!]
 /with niwashi-rules [block!] "Use transformation rules for the niwashi"

 /local load-html's locals
] [
 Parse html and generate a tree
form-html: func [
 {Forms a HTML tree (eg. from LOAD-HTML) into HTML text}
 html [block!]
 /with options "Specify format options"
] [
 Form html into HTML text

2.1 Options for form-html

Options for form-html

pretty?: false ; pretty print output (indent etc.)
utf8?: false ; output UTF-8 instead of ASCII

3. Parse html and generate a tree

Parse html and generate a tree

niwashi: make-niwashi
define-rules niwashi html-rules
if niwashi-rules [
 define-rules niwashi niwashi-rules
parse-ml html func [cmd data] [
 switch cmd [
  text whitespace comment declaration xml-proc [
   append-child niwashi [type: cmd properties: [value: data]]
  ; simple cases
  <html> <head> <title> <script> <style> <object> [
   enter-child niwashi [type: tag-to-word cmd properties: data]
  <body> <legend> <caption> <fieldset> <noscript> <ins> <del> <iframe> <tt> <i> <b> <u>
  <strike> <s> <big> <small> <sub> <sup> <em> <strong> <dfn> <code> <samp> <kbd> <var>
  <cite> <font> <select> <textarea> <button> <optgroup> <label> <span> <abbr>
  <acronym> <q> <applet> <video> [
   attempt [
    split-branch niwashi 'head
    leave-child niwashi
   enter-child niwashi [type: tag-to-word cmd properties: data]
  <isindex> <isindex/> <base> <base/> <script/> <meta> <meta/> <link> <link/> <param> <param/> [
   append-child niwashi [type: tag-to-word cmd properties: data]
  <col> <col/> <br> <br/> <basefont> <basefont/> <area> <area/> <input> <input/> <source> <source/> [
   attempt [
    split-branch niwashi 'head
    leave-child niwashi
   append-child niwashi [type: tag-to-word cmd properties: data]
  ; block level
  <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <address> <p> <ul> <ol> <dl> <pre> <dt> <dd>
  <div> <center> <blockquote> [
   open-tag tag-to-word cmd data [h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 address p dt dd] [table]
  <table> [
   ; allow table inside p because people are stupid
   open-tag 'table data [h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 address dt dd] [ ]
  <li> [
   open-tag 'li data [li h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 address p dt dd] [ul ol]
  <form> [
   open-tag 'form data 'form [ ]
  <tr> [
   open-tag 'tr data [tr td th colgroup] 'table
  <td> <th> [
   open-tag tag-to-word cmd data [td th] 'table
  <thead> <tfoot> <tbody> [
   open-tag tag-to-word cmd data [thead tfoot tbody tr td th colgroup] 'table
  <colgroup> [
   open-tag 'colgroup data 'colgroup 'table
  <hr> <hr/> [
   attach?: no
   unless attempt [
    split-branch niwashi 'head
    leave-child niwashi
   ] [
    attempt [
     split-branch/knots niwashi [h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 address p dt] 'table
     leave-child niwashi
     attach?: yes
   append-child niwashi [type: 'hr properties: data]
   ; ???
   if attach? [attach-branch niwashi]
  ; (non simple) inline level
  <a> <map> <option> [
   open-tag cmd: tag-to-word cmd data cmd [ ]
  </tt> </i> </b> </u> </strike> </s> </big> </small> </sub> </sup>
  </em> </strong> </dfn> </code> </samp> </kbd> </var> </cite>
  </a> </font> </map> </label> </span> </abbr> </acronym> </q> [
   attempt [
    split-branch niwashi tag-to-word cmd
    leave-child niwashi
    attach-branch niwashi
  ; uses the spelling <image>... and FF accepts it!
  <img> <img/> <image> <image/> [
   attempt [
    split-branch niwashi 'head
    leave-child niwashi
   append-child niwashi [type: 'img properties: data]
  ; closing tags
  </head> </title> </script> </style> </object> </legend> </caption>
  </fieldset> </noscript> </ins> </del> </iframe> </video>
  ; attach-branch?
  </h1> </h2> </h3> </h4> </h5> </h6> </address> </ul> </ol> </li> </dl> </dt>
  </dd> </pre> </div> </center> </blockquote> </form> </table>
  </tr> </td> </th> </colgroup> </thead> </tfoot> </tbody>
  </select> </textarea> </button> </option> </optgroup> [
   attempt [
    split-branch niwashi tag-to-word cmd
    leave-child niwashi
  </p> [
   attempt [
    split-branch/knots niwashi 'p 'table
    leave-child niwashi
leave-all niwashi
result: niwashi/root
either html-node: get-node result/childs/html [
 unless body-node: get-node html-node/childs/body [
  body-node: make-node 'body
  set-node body-node/parent: html-node
 unless head-node: get-node html-node/childs/head [
  head-node: make-tree [head [ ] [title [ ]]]
  set-node body-node/previous: head-node
 unless get-node head-node/childs/title [
  either empty? get-node head-node/childs [
   title-node: make-node 'title
   set-node title-node/parent: head-node
  ] [
   set-node head-node/childs/1/previous: make-node 'title
] [
 enter-child niwashi [type: 'html]
 enter-child niwashi [type: 'head]
 append-child niwashi [type: 'title]
 leave-child niwashi
 append-child niwashi [type: 'body]
 leave-child niwashi

3.1 load-html's locals

load-html's locals

attach? result html-node head-node body-node title-node

4. Form html into HTML text

Form html into HTML text

options: make default-fh-options any [options [ ]]
emit-childs copy "" html copy "" pick [html-utf8 html-ascii] to logic! options/utf8? to logic! options/pretty?

5. Rules for the niwashi

Inline level nodes:

text tt i b u s strike big small em strong dfn code samp kbd var cite abbr acronym
a img applet object font basefont br script map q sub sup span bdo iframe
input select textarea label button

Block level nodes:

p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 ul ol dir menu pre dl div center noscript noframes blockquote form
isindex hr table fieldset address

Flow means both block and inline.

Overview +≡

inside-flow: [
 on whitespace add-space
 on text merge-text
 ignore [td th caption tr thead tbody tfoot col colgroup]
 after [
  p h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 ul ol dir menu pre dl div center noscript noframes
  blockquote form isindex hr table fieldset address
 ] outside-flow
outside-flow: [
 ignore [td th caption tr thead tbody tfoot col colgroup whitespace]
 after [
  text tt i b u s strike big small em strong dfn code samp kbd var cite abbr acronym
  a font q sub sup span bdo
 ] inside-flow
html-rules: [
 except [html comment declaration xml-proc] force html
 ignore whitespace
 inside html [
  except [comment head body] force body
  ignore [whitespace html declaration xml-proc]
  on [title isindex base script style meta link object] force head
  inside head [
   ignore [whitespace head html declaration xml-proc]
   inside title [
    on text merge-text
    after text [
     on text merge-text
     on whitespace add-space
     ignore [declaration xml-proc html head title script style object]
    ignore [whitespace declaration xml-proc html head title script style object]
   inside object [
    only param
  inside body outside-flow
  inside body [
   always [
    ignore [declaration xml-proc html head body]
    on legend force fieldset
    on style move-to-head
    ;on [title base meta link style] move to head
    inside [pre textarea] [
     always [
      ; need to add more here
      ignore [td th caption tr thead tbody tfoot col colgroup]
      on [text whitespace] preserve-whitespace
      on br add-newline
    inside all but [table thead tbody tfoot tr td th caption colgroup select] [
     ignore [td th caption tr thead tbody tfoot col colgroup option optgroup]
    inside all but video [
     ignore source
    inside table [
     only [thead tfoot tbody tr td caption th col colgroup]
     on tr force tbody
     on [td th] force tr
     inside caption inside-flow
     inside [thead tfoot tbody] [
      only [tr td th]
      on [td th] force tr
      inside tr [
       only [td th]
       inside [td th] inside-flow
     inside colgroup [
      only col
    inside select [
     only [option optgroup]
    inside optgroup [
     only option
    inside [
     blockquote center dd del div dl fieldset form ins legend li noscript ol
    ] outside-flow
    inside [
     h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 p address dt caption td th
     tt i b u s strike big small em strong dfn code samp kbd var cite abbr acronym
     a applet object font map q sub sup span bdo iframe video
     option textarea label button
    ] inside-flow
!set-node-value-quick: macro [node val] [(:poke) node 3 (:reduce) ['value val]]
merge-text: func [node /local prev] expand-macros [
 if all [prev: !get-node-previous node 'text = !get-node-type prev] [
  insert tail !get-node-property prev 'value !get-node-property node 'value
  !remove-node-quick node
add-space: func [node /local prev text] expand-macros [
 either all [prev: !get-node-previous node 'text = !get-node-type prev] [
  text: !get-node-property prev 'value
  unless #" " = last text [insert tail text #" "]
  !remove-node-quick node
 ] [
  !set-node-type node 'text
  !set-node-value-quick node (copy " ")
preserve-whitespace: func [node] expand-macros [
 !set-node-type node 'text
 merge-text node
add-newline: func [node] expand-macros [
 !set-node-properties node (copy/deep [value "^/"])
 preserve-whitespace node
move-to-head: func [node /local head-node root] [
 root: niwashi/root
 unless head-node: get-node root/childs/html/childs/head [
  head-node: make-node 'head
  set-node root/childs/html/childs/body/previous: head-node
 set-node node/parent: head-node

6. Support functions

Overview +≡

default-fh-options: context [
 Options for form-html
tag-to-word: func [tag] compose [
 (:to) (word!) (:lowercase) trim/with (:to) (string!) tag #"/"
open-tag: func [type prop split knots /local attach?] [
 unless attempt [
  split-branch niwashi 'head
  leave-child niwashi
 ] [
  attach?: attempt [
   split-branch/knots niwashi split knots
   leave-child niwashi
 enter-child niwashi [type: type properties: prop]
 if attach? [attach-branch niwashi]
!emit: macro [value] [(:insert) (:tail) output value]
!indent: macro [] [(:head) (:insert) (:tail) (:copy) indent " "]
!emit-attributes: macro [attributes encoding] [
 (:foreach) [attrname attrvalue] attributes [
  (:if) :attrvalue [
   (:either) (:word?) attrname [
    (:insert) (:insert) (:insert) (:tail) output #" " attrname {="}
    encode-text/to :attrvalue encoding output
    (:insert) (:tail) output #"^""
   ] [
    (:insert) (:insert) (:insert) (:insert) (:insert) (:tail) output
     #" " (:pick) attrname 1 #":" (:pick) attrname 2 {="}
    encode-text/to :attrvalue encoding output
    (:insert) (:tail) output #"^""
!open-tag: macro [name attributes encoding] expand-macros [
 (:insert) (:insert) (:tail) output #"<" name
 !emit-attributes attributes encoding
 (:insert) (:tail) output #">"
!empty-tag: macro [name attributes encoding] expand-macros [
 (:insert) (:insert) (:tail) output #"<" name
 !emit-attributes attributes encoding
 (:insert) (:tail) output " />"
!close-tag: macro [name] [
 (:insert) (:insert) (:insert) (:tail) output "</" name #">"
!emit-cdata: macro [text] [
 (:insert) (:insert) (:insert) (:tail) output
  "^//* <![CDATA[ */^/"
  "^//* ]]> */^/"
!get-inside-text: macro [node] expand-macros [
 (:either) (:empty?) !get-node-childs node [""] [
  (:select) (:third) (:fourth) node 'value
emit-childs: func [output node indent encoding pretty? /local type] expand-macros [
 foreach child !get-node-childs node [
  switch/default type: !get-node-type child [
   text whitespace [
    encode-text/to !get-node-property child 'value encoding output
   xml-proc declaration [
    !emit (!get-node-property child 'value)
    if pretty? [
     insert !emit #"^/" indent
   comment [
    !emit (!get-node-property child 'value)
   style [
    !open-tag 'style (!get-node-properties child) encoding
    !emit-cdata (!get-inside-text child)
    if pretty? [!emit indent]
    !close-tag 'style
    if pretty? [insert !emit #"^/" indent]
  ] [
   either find [
    base link hr area input img br col isindex script meta
    basefont source
   ] type [
    !empty-tag type (!get-node-properties child) encoding
   ] [
    !open-tag type (!get-node-properties child) encoding
    if all [
     find [
      html head script style object body noscript
      ul ol dl div center blockquote
      table form tr thead tfoot tbody
     ] type
    ] [
     insert !emit "^/ " indent
    emit-childs output child !indent encoding pretty?
    !close-tag type
   if all [
    find [
     html head title script style object body legend caption
     fieldset noscript iframe video isindex base meta link br basefont
     h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 address p ul ol dl pre dt dd div center blockquote
     table li form tr td th thead tfoot tbody hr source
    ] type
   ] [
    insert !emit #"^/" indent