
1. Introduction

This module defines a number of functions that can be used to access mail on a IMAP server.

It is designed to be easily used through Hardball.

2. Overview

The documentation is slightly out of date.

All the functions take a db argument, which contains the information needed to access the mail (eg. IMAP server access info, and so on). You should always call the open-mail-db and close-mail-db functions; the former returns the value you should pass to all the other functions as the db argument (eg. it connects to the IMAP server, and so on).

Please note that most functions may fail by throwing an error.


; we just need it loaded (so that it defines the scheme)
load-module %schemes/imapcommands.r

Support functions
Open and close functions
Mail folders functions
Mail messages functions
Search function

2.1 Open and close functions

Open and close functions

open-mail-db: func [
 "Open/initialize a mail database"
 db "Object with [host: user: pass: secure: port:]"
] [
 Open/initialize the mail database
valid-mail-db?: func [
 "Validate IMAP settings"
 db "Object with [host: user: pass: secure: port:]"
] [
 Validate the given IMAP settings
check-mail-db: func [
 "Attempt connection, throw error or return true"
 db "Object with [host: user: pass: secure: port:]"
] [
 Check IMAP settings, throw error, or return true if all is ok
refresh-mail-db: func [
 {Make sure the mail database is still available, otherwise reopen it}
 db "Result of open-mail-db"
] [
 Check the IMAP connection, reopen it if necessary

close-mail-db: func [
 "Close a mail database"
 db "Result of open-mail-db"
] [
 Close the mail database

2.1.1 Example usage

db: open-mail-db [host: "" user: "joe" pass: "user" secure: no]
; ...
close-mail-db db

2.2 Mail folders functions

The list-mail-folders function returns the list of mail folders as a tree. The result is a block in the format [any [name id flags sub-folders]], where name is a string! containing the folder name, id is the folder ID, flags is a block of folder flags (children means that it can have sub folders - if this flag is not present, an attempt to create a sub folder will fail -, messages means that it can contain messages - otherwise, it's not a real mail folder -, new means that there may be new messages since last check), and sub-folders is a block of sub folders in the same format.

If the /all refinement is given, the result contains all available folders, including hidden folders (for IMAP, that means folders you are not subscribed to). Those folders will have the hidden flag. Note, that a hidden folder may still show in the result even without /all if any sub folder is not hidden.

If the /only refinement is given, only the childs of the specified folder will be returned. parent-id is the folder ID of the parent; you can use none to get only the root folders. The sub-folders blocks are always empty in this case.

Mail folders functions

list-mail-folders: func [
 "List the existing mail folders"
 db "Result of open-mail-db"
 /all "Return all folders (including hidden folders)"
 /only parent-id {Return only the childs of the specified folder (none for root)}

 /local list-mail-folders' locals
] [
 Return a list of the available folders

get-message-counts returns a block with the number of messages and unread messages in the folder identified by folder-id.

Mail folders functions +≡

get-message-counts: func [
 "Return the number of messages in a folder"
 db "Result of open-mail-db"

 /local get-messages-count's locals
] [
 Return the total number of messages and the number of unread messages in the folder

The list-mail-messages function returns a block of blocks; each block represents a mail message.

The columns block is a block of words, and specifies the columns that should be returned. The list of recognized words are:

the message ID.
the message sender(s).
the message recipient(s).
the message subject.
the RFC822 message size (in bytes).
the message flags.
the date when the message was sent (according to message header).
the date when the message was received (according to the IMAP server).
the actual message sender according to the IMAP server.
the address to send replys to.
the message carbon copy recipient(s).
the message blind carbon copy recipient(s); note that this only makes sense on something like a "Sent" folder; in principle you should never see this in a message you receive.
the message's "In-Reply-To:" header (string!).
the sender's message id (string!) - do not confuse this with the ID column.
flag (logic!) that indicates whether the message has attachments; note that it is separate from flags because it is relatively expensive to compute.

For any other word, none is returned as the value.

Mail folders functions +≡

list-mail-messages: func [
 "List the messages contained in a folder"
 db "Result of open-mail-db"
 columns [block!] "List of columns to return (must be non-empty)"
 /only only-uids "Only list specified messages"
 /local list-mail-messages' locals
] [
 Return the headers for the messages contained in the folder identified by folder-id

The move-mail-message and copy-mail-message functions respectively move or copy a message from a folder to another. The former function is a no-op if the destination folder is the same as the current message folder; the latter creates a copy of the message in that case (that is, after the copy the message will appear twice in the folder). copy-mail-message returns the message id of the copy.

Mail folders functions +≡

move-mail-message: func [
 {Move a message from its current folder to another one}
 db "Result of open-mail-db"

 /local move-mail-message's locals
] [
 Move the message identified by message-id to the folder identified by dest-folder-id

copy-mail-message: func [
 "Copy a message to another folder"
 db "Result of open-mail-db"

 /local create-mail-message's locals
] [
 Create a new copy of the message identified by message-id inside dest-folder-id and return the message id of the copy

compact-mail-folder deletes the messages that have been marked for deletion; only the messages contained in the folder folder-id are affected.

Mail folders functions +≡

compact-mail-folder: func [
 {Physically remove all the messages marked as deleted from a folder}
 db "Result of open-mail-db"
 folder-id "Folder to compact"
] [
 Remove all the messages in folder-id which have the deleted flag

The create-mail-folder function creates a new folder and returns its ID. Support of nested folders may differ across IMAP server implementations; the function will throw an error if the server does not allow creating the folder in the specified way.

The folder-name MUST be UTF-8 encoded text.

If /with is used, the function returns an object with folder-id and flags containing the actual folder flags after creation (according to the IMAP server - may be different from what was asked for). Currently, the only flag that can be set on creation is 'children (which asks for the folder to allow having subfolders); some IMAP servers will in this case create a folder that cannot contain messages, and in this case the function will not return the 'messages flag in the result.

Mail folders functions +≡

create-mail-folder: func [
 "Create a new mail folder"
 db "Result of open-mail-db"
 parent-id "ID of parent folder, none for root folder"
 folder-name [string!]
 /with flags [block! none!] {Set desired flags for the new folder (only CHILDREN really matters)}

 /local create-mail-folder's locals
] [
 Create a new folder in the folder parent-id and return its id

The empty-mail-folder function destroys everything contained in a folder (including subfolders). All messages and subfolders are lost and cannot be recovered; this function should be used with great care, probably the UI should allow it only on a "Trashcan" folder.

Mail folders functions +≡

empty-mail-folder: func [
 "Destroy the contents of a folder"
 db "Result of open-mail-db"
] [
 Destroy the contents of folder-id

The delete-mail-folder function deletes a folder and destroys its contents (including subfolders). It is similar to empty-mail-folder, but it removes the folder too. This function should be used with great care; the UI should rather move folders inside a "Trashcan" folder and then allow users to empty the trashcan.

Mail folders functions +≡

delete-mail-folder: func [
 "Delete a mail folder"
 db "Result of open-mail-db"
] [
 Destroy the contents of folder-id and then remove folder-id

move-mail-folder moves a folder inside another folder. The function is a no-op if the folder is already a subfolder of the destination folder. Not all IMAP servers allow moving a folder inside another folder.

Mail folders functions +≡

move-mail-folder: func [
 "Move a mail folder"
 db "Result of open-mail-db"

 /local move-mail-folder's locals
] [
 Move folder-id inside of dest-folder-id

rename-mail-folder changes the name of a folder. new-folder-name is UTF-8 encoded text.

Mail folders functions +≡

rename-mail-folder: func [
 "Rename a mail folder"
 db "Result of open-mail-db"
 new-folder-name [string!]

 /local rename-mail-folder's locals
] [
 Change the name of folder-id to new-folder-name

2.2.1 Example usage

An example of getting the list of messages in a folder, with each message block containing the message sender, the subject and the size.

messages: list-mail-messages db folder-id [from subject size]

2.3 Mail messages functions

The create-mail-message function stores message into the folder identified by folder-id. message should be a valid, standard Internet email message.

The function returns the ID that has been assigned to the newly created message.

Mail messages functions

create-mail-message: func [
 "Create a new mail message in a folder"
 db "Result of open-mail-db"
 message [string!] "Message text"
 flags [block!] "Message flags"

 /local create-mail-message's locals
] [
 Store the mail message message inside the folder identified by folder-id

get-mail-message returns a standard REBOL email object (see notes above) given the message-id. When the /part refinement is used, the value (or, if a block is passed, a block of values) specified by part-name is returned. The part-name argument can be one of (or a list of words from):

the result is a block with the message's flags; see change-message-flags below for more details;
the complete message source is returned (string!);
the message's header source is returned (string!);
the first message's displayable part is returned; if there are plain text and HTML parts, HTML is given precedence; if the message is not multipart, the message's body text is returned (string!);
the first message's plain text part is returned; if the message is not multipart, and the message's body is plain text, that is returned; if there are no plain text parts, none is returned (string! or none!);
the first message's HTML part is returned; if the message is not multipart, and the message's body is HTML, that is returned; if there are no HTML parts, none is returned (string! or none!);
the result is a block; the first value in the block is a word! specifying the multipart type if the message is multipart, otherwise it is none; in the latter case, none is followed by the content type, the paramenters (eg. charset, file name, etc.), the content id, the content description, the transfer encoding, and the size (encoded); in the former case, the word! is followed by one or more blocks, each one representing the structure of one part of the message; each one of these blocks has the same structure as the main block, since messages can be nested;
(this must be specified as a path because of the n arugment) returns the message's n-th part; n can be an integer! or a tuple! for nested parts;

Mail messages functions +≡

get-mail-message: func [
 "Get the contents of a mail message"
 db "Result of open-mail-db"
 /part "Return a specific part of the message"
  part-name [word! path! block!] "Message part to return"

 /local get-mail-message's locals
] [
 Return an object for the message identified by message-id

change-message-flags sets the flags for a message. flags is a block of words.

message has been read.
message has been replied to.
message has been forwarded.
message has been marked for deletion.
message has been marked as special.

Mail messages functions +≡

change-message-flags: func [
 "Change the flags for a message"
 db "Result of open-mail-db"
 flags [block!]

 /local change-message-flags' locals
] [
 Change the flags of the message identified by message-id with flags

2.4 Search function

The search-mail-messages function lists all the messages in the mail base that match the search criteria specified in the criteria argument. This is a tree where each leaf specifies a "search key" to apply. The nodes containing the leafs specify the usual boolean operations AND, OR and NOT.

Each node in the three is a block whose first value is a word!. The word specifies the kind of node; the following kinds are available (only a few are currently implemented - docs are out of date):

the content of the node is a list of sub-trees; the result of the search is the intersection of the results of each subtree;
the content of the node is a list of sub-trees; the result of the search is the union of the results of each subtree;
the content of the node is a sub-tree; the result of the search is the complement of the result of the subtree;
the content of the node is a list of flags; the result of the search is the list of messages that have all the specified flags set;
the content of the node is a string; the result of the search is the list of messages where this string is a substring of the message's BCC field;
the content of the node is a date; the result of the search is the list of messages that were sent (the RFC-822 Date: header is used) on or before the given date;
the content of the node is a date; the result of the search is the list of messages that were sent (the RFC-822 Date: header is used) on or after the given date;
the content of the node is a date; the result of the search is the list of messages that were sent (the RFC-822 Date: header is used) on the given date;
the content of the node is a string; the result of the search is the list of messages where this string is a substring of the message's body text;
the content of the node is a string; the result of the search is the list of messages where this string is a substring of the message's CC field;
the content of the node is a string; the result of the search is the list of messages where this string is a substring of the message's FROM field;
the content of the node is two strings; the result of the search is the list of messages where the second string is a substring of the message's header field whose name is specified by the first string;
the content of the node is an integer; the result of the search is the list of messages whose size is greater or equal to the specified value;
the content of the node is an integer; the result of the search is the list of messages whose size is lesser or equal to the specified value;
the content of the node is a string; the result of the search is the list of messages where this string is a substring of the message's SUBJECT field;
the content of the node is a string; the result of the search is the list of messages where this string is a substring of the message's source text (including header, body, and so on);
the content of the node is a string; the result of the search is the list of messages where this string is a substring of the message's TO field;

This currently returns a list of message UIDs.

Search function

search-mail-messages: func [
 "List the messages matching the search criteria"
 db "Result of open-mail-db"
 criteria [block!] "Search criteria (see documentation)"

 /local search-mail-messages's locals
] [
 Search the mail base for messages matching criteria

2.4.1 Example usage

The following example returns all messages whose subject contains "Qtask" and that were sent on or before March 15th. Each message block will contain the sender, the subject and the size.

messages: search-mail-messages db folder-id [and [subject "Qtask"] [sent-before 15-Mar-2007]]

3. Implementation

This implementation of the above API uses an IMAP server as the storage engine.

3.1 Open/initialize the mail database

Open/initialize the mail database

; we need this because of SELECT-MAIL-DB below
unless db/port [
 db/port: either db/secure [993] [143]
any [
 select-mail-db/bump db
 append-mail-db context [
  imap-port: open-port db
  selected-mailbox: none
  select-response: none
  refcount: 1

3.2 Validate the given IMAP settings

Validate the given IMAP settings

not error? try [
 check-mail-db db

3.3 Check IMAP settings, throw error, or return true if all is ok

Check IMAP settings, throw error, or return true if all is ok

; we need this because of SELECT-MAIL-DB below
unless db/port [
 db/port: either db/secure [993] [143]
; if it's already open, then it is valid
unless select-mail-db db [
 db: open-port db
 insert db [LIST "" "*"]
 copy db
 close db

3.4 Check the IMAP connection, reopen it if necessary

Check the IMAP connection, reopen it if necessary

unless db: pick-mail-db db [return false]
if error? try [
 insert db/imap-port [NOOP]
 copy db/imap-port
] [
 attempt [close db/imap-port]
 db/selected-mailbox: db/select-response: none
 db/imap-port: open compose [
  scheme: (to lit-word! db/imap-port/scheme)
  host: db/imap-port/host
  user: db/imap-port/user
  pass: db/imap-port/pass
  port-id: db/imap-port/port-id

3.5 Close the mail database

Close the mail database

db: pick-mail-db db
if 0 = db/refcount: max 0 db/refcount - 1 [
 attempt [close db/imap-port]

3.6 Return the headers for the messages contained in the folder identified by folder-id

Return the headers for the messages contained in the folder identified by folder-id

db: pick-mail-db db
select-mailbox db folder-id
message-count: 0
parse db/select-response [
 any [
  into ['* integer! 'EXISTS message-count: (message-count: message-count/-2) to end]
  into [word! 'OK into ['UIDVALIDITY set uidvalidity integer!] string!]
result: make block! 256
if message-count < 1 [return result]
either block? only-uids [
 if empty? only-uids [return result]
 non-deleted: copy only-uids
 sort non-deleted
] [
 insert db/imap-port [SEARCH UNDELETED]
 parse copy db/imap-port [
  any [
   into ['* 'SEARCH non-deleted: some integer!]
 if any [not block? non-deleted empty? non-deleted] [return result]
list: make issue! 256
parse non-deleted [
 some [
  set start-index integer! (end-index: start-index) [
   some [(end-index: end-index + 1) 1 1 end-index] (repend list [start-index #":" end-index - 1 #","])
   (repend list [start-index #","])
remove back tail list
message: context [
 id: 'UID
 from: 'ENVELOPE
 subject: 'ENVELOPE
 size: 'RFC822.SIZE
 flags: 'FLAGS
 date: 'ENVELOPE
 received: 'INTERNALDATE
 sender: 'ENVELOPE
 reply-to: 'ENVELOPE
 in-reply-to: 'ENVELOPE
 message-id: 'ENVELOPE
 has-attachments: 'BODY
 structure: 'BODY
columns: use columns reduce [columns]
set columns none
bind columns message
fetch-columns: to paren! replace unique reduce columns none [ ]
while [not empty? list] [
 list-end: at list 256
 either empty? list-end [
  list-part: list
  list: list-end
 ] [
  list-end: any [find list-end #"," tail list-end]
  list-part: copy/part list list-end
  list: next list-end
 insert db/imap-port
  head insert compose/only [FETCH (list-part) (fetch-columns)] either block? only-uids ['UID] [[ ]]
 parse copy db/imap-port bind [
  any [
    set message none
    foreach w [from to cc sender reply-to bcc] [
     set w make block! 4
   into [
    '* integer! 'FETCH into [
     any [
      'ENVELOPE into [
       [set date [string! | date! | binary! | none!]]
        set subject [string! | binary!]
        (subject: decode-email-field as-string subject)
        none! (subject: copy "")
       [into [any [set address paren! (append-email from address)]] | none!]
       [into [any [set address paren! (append-email sender address)]] | none!]
       [into [any [set address paren! (append-email reply-to address)]] | none!]
       [into [any [set address paren! (append-email to address)]] | none!]
       [into [any [set address paren! (append-email cc address)]] | none!]
       [into [any [set address paren! (append-email bcc address)]] | none!]
       [set in-reply-to string! (in-reply-to: decode-email-field in-reply-to) | none!]
       [set message-id string! (message-id: decode-email-field message-id) | none!]
       to end
      'RFC822.SIZE set size integer!
      'UID set id integer! (id: reduce [folder-id uidvalidity id])
      'FLAGS set flags paren! (flags: from-imap-flags flags)
      'INTERNALDATE set received date!
      'BODY set structure paren! (
       has-attachments: has-attachments? structure: parse-bodystructure structure
   (repend/only result columns)
   into [
    '* 'OK into ['PARSE] string! ; parse error with the message... not sure how to report it?
  into ok-response
 ] message

3.6.1 list-mail-messages' locals

list-mail-messages' locals

result message address message-count uidvalidity non-deleted list
start-index end-index list-part fetch-columns list-end

3.7 Return the total number of messages and the number of unread messages in the folder

Return the total number of messages and the number of unread messages in the folder

db: pick-mail-db db
select-mailbox db folder-id
parse db/select-response [
 any [
  into [
   '* set value integer! 'EXISTS (total: value)
insert db/imap-port [SEARCH UNDELETED UNSEEN]
parse copy db/imap-port [
 any [
  into ['* 'SEARCH unseen: some integer!]
unless block? unseen [make error! "Unable to get number of unread messages"]
reduce [total length? unseen]

3.7.1 get-messages-count's locals

get-messages-count's locals

value total unseen

3.8 Store the mail message message inside the folder identified by folder-id

Store the mail message message inside the folder identified by folder-id

db: pick-mail-db db
if not find db/imap-port/locals/capabilities 'UIDPLUS [
 select-mailbox db folder-id
 parse db/select-response [
  any [
   into [
    '* 'OK into ['UIDVALIDITY set uidvalidity integer!] string!
   into [
    '* 'OK into ['UIDNEXT set uid integer!] string!
insert db/imap-port compose/only [APPEND (folder-id) (to-imap-flags flags) (message)]
either all [uidvalidity uid] [
 copy db/imap-port
] [
 parse copy db/imap-port [
  some [
   into [word! 'OK into ['APPENDUID set uidvalidity integer! set uid integer!] string!]
reduce [folder-id uidvalidity uid]

3.8.1 create-mail-message's locals

create-mail-message's locals

uidvalidity uid

3.9 Change the flags of the message identified by message-id with flags

Change the flags of the message identified by message-id with flags

db: pick-mail-db db
select-mailbox db message-id/1
; TODO: check uidvalidity!
command: switch/default flags/1 [
] [
insert db/imap-port compose/only [UID STORE (message-id/3) (command) (to-imap-flags flags)]
copy db/imap-port

3.9.1 change-message-flags' locals

change-message-flags' locals


3.10 Return an object for the message identified by message-id

Return an object for the message identified by message-id

db: pick-mail-db db
select-mailbox db message-id/1
either part [
 switch/default part-name [
  source [part-name: to path! [BODY.PEEK ""] result: 'message]
  header [part-name: 'RFC822.HEADER result: 'message]
  structure [part-name: 'BODY result: 'structure]
 ] [
  if path? part-name [
   part-name/1: 'BODY.PEEK
   ; hack...
   part-name: form part-name
   replace/all find/tail part-name "/" "/" "."
   part-name: load part-name
   result: 'message
] [
 part-name: to path! [BODY.PEEK ""]
 result: 'message
insert db/imap-port compose [UID FETCH (message-id/3) (part-name)]
parse copy db/imap-port [
 some [
  into [
   '* integer! 'FETCH into [
    any [
     ['RFC822 | 'RFC822.HEADER | path!] set message [string! | binary!]
     'FLAGS set flags paren! (flags: from-imap-flags flags)
     'BODY set structure paren! (structure: parse-bodystructure structure)
     'UID integer!
  into [
   '* 'OK into ['PARSE] string! ; parse error with the message... not sure how to report it?
 into ok-response
get result

3.10.1 get-mail-message's locals

get-mail-message's locals

message flags structure i type result

3.11 Move the message identified by message-id to the folder identified by dest-folder-id

Move the message identified by message-id to the folder identified by dest-folder-id

new-id: copy-mail-message db message-id dest-folder-id
change-message-flags db message-id [+ Deleted]

3.11.1 move-mail-message's locals

move-mail-message's locals


3.12 Create a new copy of the message identified by message-id inside dest-folder-id and return the message id of the copy

Create a new copy of the message identified by message-id inside dest-folder-id and return the message id of the copy

db: pick-mail-db db
if not find db/imap-port/locals/capabilities 'UIDPLUS [
 select-mailbox db dest-folder-id
 parse db/select-response [
  any [
   into [
    '* 'OK into ['UIDVALIDITY set dest-uidvalidity integer!] string!
   into [
    '* 'OK into ['UIDNEXT set new-uid integer!] string!
select-mailbox db message-id/1
; TODO: check uidvalidity!
old-uid: message-id/3
insert db/imap-port compose [UID COPY (old-uid) (dest-folder-id)]
either all [dest-uidvalidity new-uid] [
 copy db/imap-port
] [
 parse copy db/imap-port [
  any [
   into [
    word! 'OK into ['COPYUID set dest-uidvalidity integer! 1 1 old-uid set new-uid integer!] string!
reduce [dest-folder-id dest-uidvalidity new-uid]

3.12.1 copy-mail-message's locals

create-mail-message's locals +≡

dest-uidvalidity old-uid new-uid

3.13 Remove all the messages in folder-id which have the deleted flag

Remove all the messages in folder-id which have the deleted flag

db: pick-mail-db db
select-mailbox db folder-id
insert db/imap-port [EXPUNGE]
copy db/imap-port

3.14 Create a new folder in the folder parent-id and return its id

Create a new folder in the folder parent-id and return its id

db: pick-mail-db db
delimiter: if any [children: all [flags find flags 'children] parent-id] [get-delimiter db/imap-port any [parent-id ""]]
folder-name: encode-text folder-name 'utf-7-imap
name: either parent-id [
 rejoin [parent-id delimiter folder-name]
] [
insert db/imap-port compose [CREATE (either children [append copy name delimiter] [name])]
copy db/imap-port
if flags [
 insert db/imap-port compose [LIST "" (name)]
 if parse copy db/imap-port [
  into ['* 'LIST set serv-flags [paren! | none!] skip [word! | string! | integer!]]
  into ok-response
 ] [
  if serv-flags [serv-flags: mk-folder-flags serv-flags]
attempt [ ; ignore errors with non-selectable folders (still need them subscribed)
 insert db/imap-port compose [SUBSCRIBE (name)]
 copy db/imap-port
either serv-flags [
 context [
  folder-id: name
  flags: serv-flags
] [

3.14.1 create-mail-folder's locals

create-mail-folder's locals

delimiter name children serv-flags

3.15 Destroy the contents of folder-id

Destroy the contents of folder-id

db: pick-mail-db db
insert db/imap-port compose [DELETE (folder-id)]
copy db/imap-port
insert db/imap-port compose [CREATE (folder-id)]
copy db/imap-port

3.16 Destroy the contents of folder-id and then remove folder-id

Destroy the contents of folder-id and then remove folder-id

db: pick-mail-db db
insert db/imap-port compose [UNSUBSCRIBE (folder-id)]
copy db/imap-port
insert db/imap-port compose [DELETE (folder-id)]
copy db/imap-port

3.17 Move folder-id inside of dest-folder-id

Move folder-id inside of dest-folder-id

db: pick-mail-db db
delimiter: get-delimiter db/imap-port folder-id
name: last parse/all folder-id delimiter
if dest-folder-id [
 delimiter: get-delimiter db/imap-port dest-folder-id
 name: rejoin [dest-folder-id delimiter name]
subfolders: copy [ ]
do-list db/imap-port 'lsub false folder-id subfolders
alter-subscription db/imap-port subfolders 'UNSUBSCRIBE
insert db/imap-port compose [UNSUBSCRIBE (folder-id)]
copy db/imap-port
insert db/imap-port compose [RENAME (folder-id) (name)]
copy db/imap-port
id-map: copy [ ]
make-id-map id-map folder-id name subfolders
foreach [from to] id-map [
 insert db/imap-port compose [SUBSCRIBE (to)]
 copy db/imap-port

3.17.1 move-mail-folder's locals

move-mail-folder's locals

delimiter name subfolders id-map

3.18 Change the name of folder-id to new-folder-name

Change the name of folder-id to new-folder-name

db: pick-mail-db db
delimiter: get-delimiter db/imap-port folder-id
parent: copy/part folder-id any [find/last/tail folder-id delimiter 0]
encode-text/to new-folder-name 'utf-7-imap parent
subfolders: copy [ ]
do-list db/imap-port 'lsub false folder-id subfolders
alter-subscription db/imap-port subfolders 'UNSUBSCRIBE
insert db/imap-port compose [UNSUBSCRIBE (folder-id)]
copy db/imap-port
insert db/imap-port compose [RENAME (folder-id) (parent)]
copy db/imap-port
id-map: copy [ ]
make-id-map id-map folder-id parent subfolders
foreach [from to] id-map [
 insert db/imap-port compose [SUBSCRIBE (to)]
 copy db/imap-port

3.18.1 rename-mail-folder's locals

rename-mail-folder's locals

delimiter parent subfolders id-map

3.19 Search the mail base for messages matching criteria

Search the mail base for messages matching criteria

db: pick-mail-db db
select-mailbox db folder-id
message-count: 0
parse db/select-response [
 any [
  into ['* integer! 'EXISTS message-count: (message-count: message-count/-2) to end]
  into [word! 'OK into ['UIDVALIDITY set uidvalidity integer!] string!]
result: reduce [uidvalidity]
if message-count < 1 [return result]
; compile search criteria to imap search command
insert db/imap-port compile-search-criteria criteria
parse copy db/imap-port [
 any [
  into ['* 'SEARCH uids: some integer!]
if not block? uids [return result]
append result uids

3.19.1 search-mail-messages's locals

search-mail-messages's locals

result message-count uidvalidity uids

3.20 Return a list of the available folders

Return a list of the available folders

db: pick-mail-db db
; need to add a way to hide/unhide folders (subscribe/unsubscribe)
result: make block! 16
do-list db/imap-port 'list only parent-id result
do-list/unhide db/imap-port 'lsub only parent-id result
unless all [
 remove-hidden result

3.20.1 list-mail-folders' locals

list-mail-folders' locals


4. Support functions

Support functions

append-email: func [output address] [
 insert insert tail output
  if address/1 [decode-email-field address/1]
  if all [address/3 address/4 not empty? address/3 not empty? address/4] [
   repend to email! address/3 ["@" address/4]
ok-response: [word! 'OK opt block! string!]
select-mailbox: func [db mailbox] [
 if db/selected-mailbox <> mailbox [
  insert db/imap-port compose [SELECT (mailbox)]
  db/select-response: copy db/imap-port
  db/selected-mailbox: mailbox
from-imap-flags: func [flags] [
 flags: intersect to block! flags [/Seen /Answered /Deleted /Flagged /Draft]
 forall flags [
  flags/1: select [
   /Seen read
   /Answered replied
   /Deleted deleted
   /Flagged flagged
   /Draft draft
  ] flags/1
to-imap-flags: func [flags /local res] [
 res: make paren! length? flags
 foreach flag flags [
  switch flag [
   read [append res /Seen]
   replied [append res /Answered]
   deleted [append res /Deleted]
   flagged [append res /Flagged]
   draft [append res /Draft]
   forwarded [append res #$Forwarded]
parse-bodystructure: func [structure /local result value mk1 mk2] [
 result: copy [#[none]]
 parse structure [
  copy value [string! string!] ( ; content type
   if any [empty? value/1 empty? value/2] [
    value: ["text" "plain"]
   value/1: to word! value/1
   value/2: to word! value/2
   append/only result to path! value
   set value paren! ( ; charset etc. (parameters)
    value: to block! value
    forskip value 2 [value/1: to word! value/1]
    append/only result value
   skip (append result none)
  [string! | none!] ; content id
  [string! | none!] ; content description
  string! ; encoding
  integer! ; size
  mk2: (insert/part tail result mk1 mk2)
  some [
   set value paren! (append/only result parse-bodystructure value)
  set value string! (result/1: to word! value) ; multipart type
has-attachments?: func [structure] [
 switch/default structure/1 [
  #[none] [false]
  alternative [
   foreach part next structure [
    if has-attachments? part [return true]
  ; I think this should be FALSE, though I haven't checked what Thunderbird does
  related [false]
 ] [
append-tree: func [tree path folderid flags only /local pos] [
 either pos: find/skip tree path/1 4 [
  either tail? next path [
   either only [
    remove find pos/3 'Hidden
   ] [
    pos/2: folderid
    pos/3: flags
  ] [
   append-tree pos/4 next path folderid flags only
 ] [
  unless only [
   either tail? next path [
    repend tree [path/1 folderid flags copy [ ]]
   ] [
    repend tree [path/1 none copy [children] pos: copy [ ]]
    append-tree pos next path folderid flags only
mk-folder-flags: func [flags /to result] [
 unless result [result: make block! 4]
 unless find flags /NoInferiors [append result 'children]
 unless find flags /NoSelect [append result 'messages]
 if find flags /Marked [append result 'new]
remove-hidden: func [folders] [
 remove-each [name id flags sub-folders] folders [
  remove-hidden sub-folders
  all [find flags 'hidden empty? sub-folders id <> "INBOX"]
get-delimiter: func [port parent /local delimiter] [
 insert port reduce [
  'list parent ""
 unless all [
  parse copy port [
   into ['* 'LIST skip set delimiter [word! | string! | none!] skip]
   into ok-response
 ] [
  make error! "Unknown hierarchy delimiter for folder"
do-list: func [port cmd only parent result /unhide /local flags delimiter folder] [
 if parent [
  delimiter: get-delimiter port parent
  parent: join parent delimiter
 insert port reduce [
  cmd any [parent ""] either only ["%"] ["*"]
 unless parse copy port [
  any [
   into [
    '* ['LIST | 'LSUB] set flags [paren! | none!] set delimiter [word! | string! | none!] [
     set folder [word! | integer!] (folder: form folder)
     set folder string!
     set folder binary! (folder: as-string folder)
   ] (
    ; LSUB may return "folder/" instead of "folder" if the client subscribed it that way
    ; (eg. Thunderbird). LIST always returns "folder" though, so we have a problem if we don't
    ; remove the delimiter.
    if all [delimiter delimiter/1 = last folder] [remove back tail folder]
     either delimiter [
       decode-text either parent [find/match folder parent] [folder] 'utf-7-imap
       form delimiter
     ] [
      reduce [decode-text folder 'utf-7-imap]
     append mk-folder-flags flags 'Hidden
  into ok-response
 ] [
  make error! "Can't parse folder list"
alter-subscription: func [
] [
 foreach [name id flags sub-folders] folders [
  insert port compose [(action) (id)]
  copy port
  alter-subscription port sub-folders action
make-id-map: func [
] [
 insert insert map from to
 foreach [name id flags sub-folders] sub-folders [
  make-id-map map id join to skip id length? from sub-folders
node-types: context [
 and: or: subject: from: to: cc: bcc: body: unread: unforwarded: none
node-types/and: func [output args] [
 foreach node args [
  compile-node output node
node-types/or: func [output args /local paren] [
 paren: make paren! 8
 append/only output paren
 append paren 'OR
 foreach node args [
  compile-node paren node
node-types/subject: func [output args] [
 repend output ['SUBJECT args/1]
node-types/from: func [output args] [
 repend output ['FROM args/1]
node-types/to: func [output args] [
 repend output ['TO args/1]
node-types/cc: func [output args] [
 repend output ['CC args/1]
node-types/bcc: func [output args] [
 repend output ['BCC args/1]
node-types/body: func [output args] [
 repend output ['BODY args/1]
node-types/unread: func [output args] [
 append output 'UNSEEN
node-types/unforwarded: func [output args] [
 append output [UNKEYWORD #$Forwarded]
compile-node: func [output node /local type] [
 unless type: in node-types node/1 [
  make error! "Invalid search criteria"
 do type output next node
compile-search-criteria: func [criteria /local res] [
 compile-node res criteria
mail-db-store: [ ]
select-mail-db: func [db /bump /local pos] [
 db: all [
  pos: find mail-db-store reduce [db/host db/port db/user]
  3 + index? pos
 if all [db bump] [
  pos/4/refcount: pos/4/refcount + 1
append-mail-db: func [db] [
 append mail-db-store reduce [
  db/imap-port/host db/imap-port/port-id db/imap-port/user
 length? mail-db-store
open-port: func [db] [
 open compose [
  scheme: (either db/secure [['imapscommands]] [['imapcommands]])
  host: db/host
  user: db/user
  pass: db/pass
  port-id: db/port
pick-mail-db: func [db] [
 pick mail-db-store db