
1. Introduction

This module defines a function, html-to-text, that can convert a HTML string into just plain text. Currently the conversion is rather simple, but it is easy to improve it.

2. Overview


The source html string is assumed to use the UTF-8 encoding. If your text uses any other encoding, you must convert it to UTF-8 before calling this function.

The output string will always be UTF-8 encoded.


Conversion to text (stage 3)

html-to-text: func [
 "Convert HTML to plain text"
 html [string!]
] [
 Parse the html text and generate plain text

3. Parse the html text and generate plain text

We use a multi-stage pipeline of finite state machines (FSMs). The first stage uses parse-ml on the source text, parsing tags, text and character entities, and sends the parsed elements to the second stage, the html-normalizer module, via the process-tag function; that in turn sends the normalized elements to the stage3 function.

Parse the html text and generate plain text

init-normalizer :stage3
parse-ml html :process-tag

4. Conversion to text (stage 3)

Conversion to text (stage 3)

stage3: func [command command-data] [
 process-event stage3-fsm command command-data
init-stage3: does [
 out: make string! 1024
 uri-base: none
 clear links
 clear indent
 reset-fsm/only stage3-fsm
end-stage3: does [
 reset-fsm stage3-fsm
 emit newline
 forall links [
  emit [#"[" index? links "] "]
  emit-uri links/1
  emit newline
links: [ ]
para-buffer: ""
stage3-fsm: make-fsm [
 initial-state: [
  <html> in-html
 in-html: [
  <head> in-head (unless empty? out [emit newline])
  <body> in-body
  </html> return
 in-head: [
  </head> return
  <title> in-title
  <base/> (uri-base: any [select data 'href uri-base])
  <style> in-style
  ;<link/> ( ; turns out to be not very useful in practice
  ; emit any [select data 'rel select data 'rev "LINK: "]
  ; emit-uri select data 'href
  ; emit newline
 in-style: [
  </style> return
 in-title: [
  </title> return
 in-body: [
  </body> return

  <style> in-style

  <h1> (clear para-buffer) in-para (
   uppercase para-buffer
   emit [
    indent copy/part {======================================================================} 70 - length? indent
    indent newline
  <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> (clear para-buffer) in-para (
   uppercase para-buffer
   emit [indent newline]
  <address> <p> <legend> (clear para-buffer) in-para (emit-para emit [indent newline])
  <pre> (clear para-buffer) in-pre (emit para-buffer)

  <ul> (increase-indent) in-ulist (decrease-indent emit [indent newline])
  <ol> (increase-indent count: any [if count*: select data 'start [attempt [to integer! count*]] 1]) in-olist (decrease-indent emit [indent newline])
  <dl> (increase-indent) in-dlist (decrease-indent emit [indent newline])


  <blockquote> (increase-indent) in-blockquote (decrease-indent)
  <table> (
   emit [
    indent copy/part {== TABLE =============================================================} 70 - length? indent
  ) in-table (
   emit [
    indent copy/part {======================================================================} 70 - length? indent
    indent newline
  <hr/> (emit [
   indent copy/part {----------------------------------------------------------------------} 70 - length? indent
   indent newline
 in-blockquote: inherit in-body [
  </blockquote> return
 in-para: [
  </h1> </h2> </h3> </h4> </h5> </h6> </address> </p>
  </dt> </pre> </caption> </legend>

  ;<tt> <i> <b> <u> <strike> <s> <big> <small> <sub> <sup>
  ;<em> <strong> <dfn> <code> <samp> <kbd> <var> <cite>
  ;<abbr> <acronym>

  <a> (append links select data 'href) in-link (repend para-buffer [" [" length? links "] "])

  <select> in-select
  ;<textarea> in-option

  <q> (record #{E2809C})
  </q> (record #{E2809D})

  <img/> (record "[IMAGE]") ; show src="" ?

  <br/> (emit-para)

  whitespace: (record " ")
  text: (record data)
 in-pre: inherit in-para [
  text: whitespace: (record data)
  <br/> (record newline)
 in-link: inherit in-para [
  </a> return
 ; we are supporting lists and tables only for very simple cases...
 in-item: inherit in-para [
  </li> </dt> </dd> </td> </th> return
 in-ulist: [
  <li> (clear para-buffer) in-item (emit-para/with " * ")
  <ul> (increase-indent) in-ulist (decrease-indent)
  <ol> (increase-indent) in-olist (decrease-indent)

  </ul> </ol> return
 in-olist: inherit in-ulist [
  <li> (
   clear para-buffer
   if all [
    count*: select data 'value
    attempt [count*: to integer count*]
   ] [
    count: count*
  ) in-item (emit-para/with rejoin [#" " count ". "] count: count + 1)
 in-dlist: [
  <dt> (clear para-buffer) in-item (record #":" emit-para)
  <dd> (clear para-buffer) in-item (emit-para emit [indent newline])

  </dl> return
 in-table: [
  <caption> (clear para-buffer emit [indent "Table caption:" newline]) in-para (emit-para emit [indent newline])

  <thead> <tfoot> <tbody> (emit [
   indent copy/part {----------------------------------------------------------------------} 70 - length? indent
  ]) in-rows

  <tr> continue in-rows

  </table> return
 in-rows: [
  <tr> (
   emit [indent "--" newline]
  ) in-cells
  </thead> </tfoot> </tbody> return

  </table> 2 return ; no <tbody>
 in-cells: [
  <td> <th> (append indent " || " emit [indent "||" newline]) in-cell (decrease-indent)

  </tr> return
 in-cell: inherit in-body [
  </td> </th> return
  text: (clear para-buffer) continue in-cell-para (emit-para)
 in-cell-para: inherit in-para [
  </td> </th> 2 return
 in-select: [
  </select> return
emit: func [value] [repend out value]
indent: ""
increase-indent: does [append indent " "]
decrease-indent: does [clear skip tail indent -6]
break-at: complement charset [#"0" - #"9" #"A" - #"Z" #"a" - #"z" {"'#$%&([^{@} #"" - #""]
emit-para: has [pos /with bullet] [
 emit indent
 if bullet [
  change skip tail out negate length? bullet bullet
  bullet: none
 while [(length? para-buffer) > (70 - length? indent)] [
  pos: skip para-buffer 71 - length? indent
  ; bug: /tail does not work with charset
  pos: find/reverse pos break-at
  if any [not pos (index? pos) <= index? para-buffer] [
   pos: skip para-buffer 71 - length? indent
   pos: any [find pos break-at tail pos]
  pos: next pos
  insert/part tail out para-buffer para-buffer: pos
  emit newline
  emit indent
 emit para-buffer
 emit newline
 clear para-buffer: head para-buffer
record: func [text] [
 append para-buffer text
emit-uri: func [uri] [
 ; needs to be smarter.
 if uri-base [emit uri-base]
 emit uri